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Starsign Shipyards Opens Its Doors
Hacked by: Syn, Starsign Shipyards
Date: Year 6 Day 44 Onboard the YV-666 Blue Shift at galactic position (111, -325).
Nova Arcadius -- Xylah

Several days ago the galaxy was witness to the creation of a new ship producer, Starsign Shipyards. Headquartered in the city of Nova Arcadius, the company is owned and headed by Syn Becket-Fe`ll, reknowned trader and trusted middlewoman, as well as Nathran of the royal Falleen clan Huruk-Rah. Her history also includes two and a half years of service as to the Imperial Navy under Emperors Mccarthur and Charon, a month heading the transport division of Outrider Trading, over half a year heading the naval forces of the Jedi Praxium, and more recently, several months spent first in the Order of Krath under Thraken Solo, then as a covert member of the Eidola Pirates under Teniel Djo.

Captain Becket-Fe`ll recently held a brief press conference in Nova Arcadius, on the steps of the renovated skyscraper serving as the company's headquarters, in which she explained the purpose of this new endeavour, describing her intention to fill a gap in the ship production market due to the majority of companies with a similar focus catering solely to specific governments or sister companies, whereas she intends for Starsign to function as an entirely neutral company, open to negotiation with all governments, businesses, and individuals alike. Already she has begun to forge relationships with mining, recycling, and medical groups on behalf of Starsign Shipyards in order to ensure that the needs of each of the involved companies are met.

When asked about the company's future on the stock market, she announced that Starsign had indeed released a total of 50,000 stocks, but that the only stocks available to the public at this time rest in the hands of the founding members of the company, or affiliates to which they have chosen to transfer them. She mentioned briefly that a small amount of stocks would be publicly released at a later date, but would not elaborate on the details, suggesting instead that interested parties keep an eye on the company's holosite as well as the Galactic Market as the situation progresses.

However, the foremost question on everyone's minds was the nature of the vessels Starsign intends to begin production on, and when this can be expected. Unfortunately this information is not yet available to the public, and she declined to comment on a precise estimate. Captain Becket-Fe`ll closed the conference by concluding that the company is in the process of internally organizing its divisions, and as a result is not presently accepting new members without prior appointment, but that this is expected to be complete within the coming week and that news updates will be available on the holosite (http://www.swcombine-asp.com/starsign).

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