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The Capture and Death of Jedi Master Vel Koon
Posted by: Simms, Galactic Empire
Date: Year 6 Day 58 Onboard the Super Star Destroyer Sovereign at galactic position (-111, 389) on Year 6 Day 57 13:49.

The Capture and Death of Jedi Master Vel Koon

A large holoprojection of the Dark Lord of the Sith appears on your holoprojector.


"Jedi Master Vel Koon was on planet Circaligee, taking soil samples for possible future cities that would populate the sector. He began to sense an odd presence in the Force... one not of comfort, giving him a chill down his spine. Master Vel Koon wandered around, tapping into the Force to sense where and why he was sensing this feeling of anger... hatred. Vel was clearing a path when all of a sudden he stumbled upon a ship...could it be?...over here? he asked himself as went in for a closer look. There it was, the Sith Infiltrator "Obsidian Lord", the infamous private ship of the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. It had to be, there are no other ship like this one. The feeling of fear and confusion was kicking in for Vel Koon, but he took a grip on himself and calmed down. He was far from his ships landing or civilization. What if he returned with help and the ship was gone? Never could he have a better opportunity to stop evil in its track as this. He tried to hail his nearby companions on his comlink, but found his communication systems to be jammed. He stepped in closer, trying to be as quiet as possible, lightsaber in hand. All this time he had a strange feeling that something was wrong... He came to the back of the Infiltrator, the cargo bay ramp was open. There didn't seem to be anyone around, so he stepped in to investigate further. There was no one in the cargo bay and entered the cockpit with a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the cargo bay ramp shut quickly behind him and the ship began to ascend into orbit.

A holo-projection of the Dark Lord of the Sith appeared on the control panel of the infiltrator. " I have been expecting you, Jedi... do not attempt to stop the ship, it has been rigged to explode with the slightest touch, I...would step back if I were you. The explosion is enough to destroy the Obsidian Lord but not enough to destroy the SSD Sovereign, where you are heading. The detonation sequence will be cancelled as soon as the ship enters the Sovereign's cargo bay. Once you arrive, I will allow you to face trials for your acts of treason against the Empire, one just as worthy as your former Master, a true Dark Jedi, Avatar, gave GM Quel Droma. In other words, you will meet your destiny very quickly."

The holocam quickly jumped to a new setting. You recognize it to be that of a normal Imperial docking bay, but on a much grander scale. It is completed deserted, minus a few landed ships, and incoming Sith Infiltrator, and a dark figure standing in the middle of the bay. The "Obsidian Lord" slowly came to a hault and landed on the docking bay's surface, the cargo ramp slowly extending down to the black-robed figure. You see Jedi Master Vel Koon calmly walk down the ramp and stop, mere meters away from the dark figure you see now to be Darth Knyte, Dark Lord of the Sith.

"Greetings, Master Koon, and welcome to the Super Star Destroyer Sovereign. I trust you flight was enjoyable?" The Dark Lord said in a mocking voice.

"Quite..." the Kel Dor replied, his fearless stare locked onto Knyte. An awkward moment of silence followed, both foes deeply gazing at the other.

"Well, now that the pleasantries are out of the way... Welcome to your trial. I prefer to run things much as your Rebel Alliance friends do, so I'm not going to waste any time and jump straight to the execution part. Though, I am not without mercy. Renounce your Rebellion... embrace the Darkside... join me at my side... Help me restore order and justice to this chaotic galaxy..."

Vel met the offer only with a hard stare. "Don't waste my time with your empty bribes. I will not betray my people. The Darkside has clouded your judgement... release from it and let it stop controlling your life."

A loud malacious laugh is heard coming from the Dark Lord. "Don't preach to me you pathetic fool! You know nothing of the Darkside. You think you are wise but you have not wisdom. Your weak mind has no ability to grasp the ultimate power of the Darkside!" With that, Knyte pulled his lightsaber hilt out from his cloak and activated it, the red hue illuminating his dark figure.

In response, Vel's eyes narrowed in determination as he pulled back part of his cloak with one hand, and called apon his hilt with his other hand. The hilt instantly unclipped from his belt and levitated to his hand, the blue blade snapping out with a hiss.

The battle commenced... a traditional fight of Jedi Master versus Sith Lord.

The two figures engaged in a duel of speeds that are unconcieveable to most viewers. At times only the trails of their colored lightsabers could determine where they currently were. The battle proceeded for an excessive period of time, both combantants gaining the upperhand at times, only to be countered by their foe.

Suddenly, the hue of the red lightsaber disappears as you see the Dark Lord fall to his back on the ground, seperated from his lightsaber. As Knyte laid on the ground, slightly shocked for the moment, Vel picked up the Sith's lightsaber. Vel, his lightsaber still ignited, slowly walked over to the fallen Sith Lord. The low malacious laugh was heard was more coming from the Dark Lord. "So, this is how it ends... Strike me down, I am defensless. Kill me now and your training will be complete. Embrace your destiny and take my place at the Emperor's side!" Vel, with his emotionless stare, just looked down at the Dark Lord in silence. "Remember, it was I who ordered the attack on Dorin. Countless, innocent Kel Dor died at my hands... And those who survived; well, let's just say I had the pleasure of conflicting their suffering..." Vel's body twitched and tensed, as he tightened his grip on the lightsaber.

With a grunt, Vel tossed the Sith's lightsaber at the Dark Lord's feet. "I seek justice, not vengeance!" Knyte slowly extended his hand and grasped his lightsaber, rising up from the ground, as Vel stood ready.

"You fool!" the Dark Lord yelled as he attacked Vel with a hidden strength and speed. The Kel Dor tried to defend his blows, but they were far too powerful. The Dark Lord backflipped, kicking Vel's lightsaber out of his hands. Before Vel could call it back with the Force, Knyte sent a dagger of Force at Vel's midsection, throwing him back several meters. Lightning began poring out of Knyte's fingertips, sending jolts of electricity through the fallen Kel Dor. Vel yelled in pain, as it began burning away at his body.


Knyte walked up beside Vel. "My patience wears thin... I was merciful. I offered you a position at my side. I could have given you anything you asked for!" More lightning beamed down at the Jedi Master, jolting his body back and forth and he screamed in pain. "Do you like how the Lightside repays you? I ask for the last time... Join me... or die..."

Vel, his body still smoking, barely was able to turn to face the Dark Lord. Through his weases of pain, Vel responded... "I... am.. a Jedi..."

The Dark Lord's body shifted slightly. "So be it... Jedi..." With that, you see Knyte's blood red lightsaber pull back and released, aimed at the Jedi Master's neck.

The holocam suddenly shuts off.

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Events in Brief
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