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Wilhelm von Ismay speaks about the Empire.
Hacked by: Salsar Greed, Enigma
Date: Year 6 Day 64 Onboard the L-500 Space Liner ESS Enigmatic in system Twanton (317, 119).
This message was brought to you by Enigma on behalf of Wilhelm von Ismay.

"Fellow Sentients, I greet you. As you have no doubt heard by now, Cloud City, the Galactic Empire's primary mining contractor that was owned by none other than Darth Knyte, has been dissolved by the Galactic Trading Commission.

The Coruscani Paused. "However, I am one of many who sees naught but incompetance in leadership positions within virtually every level of the Galactic Empire."

His hazel-colored eyes made direct contact with the camera. "Take 'Admiral' Zerk for instance. Practically every single being within the Empire can see that he cares not for the Empire, but only serves to increase his rank and power."

The camera panned out as Wilhelm began to move to a window, revealing himself to be standing on the bridge of a Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser. "I admit involvement in the death of Grand Moff Quel-Droma. No ill will was held towards the man. Quite the contrary, actually. He was a devoted individual and one with many years of loyal Imperial service. However, he along with the Empire itself, had grown too complacent. Too sure of invincibility. I had hoped that Droma's termination would have woken the Empire to the harsh realities of the Galaxy. Unfortunately, it somehow did the exact opposite. Loyal Imperials were held to blame though the fault lied with those Imperials in the very upper levels of the hierarchy.

"My actions were in no way an endorsement of the Rebel Alliance, the old Republic, or any other political movements." The Count gazed out the window towards a gas giant, presumably Bespin itself. "I am, and always will be, absolutely loyal to the Imperial institution. However, it is also my duty to fight those harming my beloved Empire as well as my homeworld. Vodo and his cronies are doing just that. It is your sworn duty also, fellow Imperials, to fight for the glory of the Empire. Take Rosar Ligntningwave for example. He was guilty of no crime, yet was to be arrested and executed. Rosar was totally loyal to the Empire, yet was forced to attempt to flee when unjustly prosecuted as a random scapegoat for Vodo's stupidity. How many more innocent comrades will need to die before you see the Empire's leaders as totally incompetant and incapable?"

Wilhelm's reflection in the viewport seemed to gaze directly into the camera. "I've been a member of the old Ministry of Information, Director of Imperial Intelligence, Vizier of COMPNOR, Deputy Director of the Imperial Security Bureau and a member of the Imperial High Command... Trust me. I know of what I speak.

"The Empire needs to open its eyes. It makes enemies with virtually all organizations and corporations. Like it or not, the Empire cannot stand alone! And no, contrary to Vodo's opinion, it does not control the Death Star. Another organization does.

Wilhelm turned and faced the viewers. "I pray for the souls of those who have lost their lives in the service of the Empire. Those true patriots who gave their lives to preserve it, rather than run or hide behind others.

"Those weak and incompetant Admirals and members of the Imperial High Command... Well, let's just say that I find the thought of them walking aimlessly through the Mists for eternity an amusing mental picture." He smiled.

"Sort of ironic now that I think over the past few years. Of the three women I truly loved, one was driven from the Empire and I did nothing. One was a loyal Imperial though disliked the leadership. Around this time, my loyality towards the leaders began to sway. The third actively fought against the Empire. By this time, my mind was set. I would proudly fight and die along side any of them... Provided it was for the right reasons, of course.

"Now, however, I have a new nation to help forge. I will pick up the work I had left behind before I returned to Imperial service..." Suddenly he paused. "Oh, and to Eidola... Congratulations on your capture of Memnon. Victor, Vlad, and frankly most of the family has been trying to get the pretender eliminated for quite some time now. As I told one of your operatives who contacted me, you are far more likely to get money for his execution, rather than his salvation. Oh, and if you don't believe me about Memnon not being a real Ismay, simply do a test on his genetic code. It will not prove a match."

Transmission ends.

OOC: This message is not related to the treasure hunt.

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Events in Brief
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