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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Kuati clans elect a new leader.
Hacked by: Salsar Greed, Enigma
Date: Year 6 Day 66 Location Unknown
This message was brought to you by Enigma, on behalf of Durand Tremere

Today on Kuat the Local clans assembled to elect there new clan leader.
It is customary that on Kuat that the clans elect a clan leader, who
runs the kuati clans, and kuats assets. An older man the former Kuati
clan leader stands before you. I am honored and privileged to have
carried out my duties, and am further happy to carry out tradition of
my position and Bring you the new Leadership for the Clans. The Older
Kuati takes his seat as a new younger but not so young male comes up to
the podium. A male in a bussiness suite and shades, he takes off his
shades and you recognize this person as Durand.

He begins to speak: "I am Durand of the house clan Tremere, and I am
now the clan leader for kuat. What this means is that all family and
clan business is under my leadership and supervision. It is true that
the Empire Governs my home world, and that I am a recently expelled
imperial citizen, But i soon know that my personal issues and troubled
times will come to an end, as I bring my home world to a new level of
business and greatness. I would like to formally invite every local,
And nearby galactic denizen to join the celebration of the times ahead,
right here on kuat."

Durand Tremere turns away from the podium as Tibolt steps up "I am the
House Tremere Clan representative, and on behalf of the house Tremere
and its Lord, Durand; I would like to state that Kuat is a wonderful
planet, with excellent status, and opportunity for business. Thank you
all for listening."

The Camera Fades up and out over a Kuati Valley.

message ends

ooc: This message is not related to the treasure hunt

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Events in Brief
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