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[TH] The hunt for the long lost pirate vessel ends!
Hacked by: Beesto Veers, Enigma
Date: Year 6 Day 75 From the Conference Centre Enigma HQ in city Aruu Capital on planet Balfron (61, 170).
Corellia, Year 6, Day 74. The last few weeks have been a busy time over at the Enigma broadcasting center. Many people have been busy trying to prevent a group of people, whose identities remain unknown up to now. Today it seems, the efforts have been successful.

After asking adventurers to find the codewords that would unlock a piece of data that would give one access to the ship a little over a week ago today a simple message was received:


As a nervous Enigma technician entered the codes into the Enigma mainframe the staff present at the broadcasting center gathered around the screen of the terminal. After a few seconds the message everybody was hoping for appeared on the screen.

"Access granted, receiving control sequences. Standby"

"Control sequences uploaded, unknown vessel now under Enigma control, receiving position."

With that message the threat of the pirate vessel falling into the hands of the previous mentioned group of people was been adverted. And as promised the control of the ship will be relinquished to the person that managed to gather the codewords so quickly.

Who this person is? Tycho Celchu, he and the Tenloss Syndicate worked tirelessly over the past week to locate all Enigma agents and codewords. Congratulations to him, may he and the Tenloss Syndicate have the wisdom to wield the power that comes with owning such a dangerous ship.

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Events in Brief
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