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Baron Lodger Hawk and his Downfall
Posted by: Isoldor Storm, Storm Securities
Date: Year 6 Day 80 From the Prison StormSec Prison in city Champion on planet Roche VII (150, 130) on Year 6 Day 79 23:45.
Your normal holo-show is interrupted suddenly. You see a logo flash onto the screen before it reverts to an image of a young lady sitting in front of the same logo.


The young girl is looking around and trying to organize her papers.

"Are we on?"

"Is the camera going?"

"O Sorry about that we have breaking news. We apologize for the interruption of your normal program. However it has just hit our desks that the Infamous Lodger Hawk has been apprihended by StormSec Agents. Also one Klaus Mezzer as of yet unidentified but suspected member of the criminal organization Eidola. They are both being transported to Courscant in order to face trial and more than likely execution. There is a long list of charges against Mr. Hawk."

Suddenly a list flashes onto the screen below the reporter for you to view.

Charged with the following:

Ship Theft against Klink Argosa
Theft against Klink Argosa
Kidnapping of Memmon Von Ismay
Theft of 4.5 million credits from William Ell
Ship Theft against Strider Dragonsblade
Theft against Chris Trooper
Theft of 2 Cloakshape Fighters from Rylith Kullstone
Theft of a Carrack/I from Ranyie Alenada
Theft of 8 million credits from Diomedes Nacca
Theft of 5 million Credits from Dante Khan
Theft of an YV-666 from Daesan Tarkin
Theft of 1 Delta Shuttle, 1 T-16, 1 S-swoop, 1 J-327 from Zakk Bourget
As well as many others in a Raffle Scheme
Theft of stock from Jager Bane
(More Charges compiling as we speak)

The young lady glances over her papers again.

"It seems there is rumor that Klaus may not be Eidola. StormSec will research it and find out why he was collaborating with the Eidolon Pirate. O this just in seems Isoldor Storm himself will be making an appearance. O here we go now to the live feed. Steve what is going on over there?"

Steve : "Well here comes Isoldor Storm to the podium lets hear what he has to say."

Slowly a tall man walks up to the podium. He is dressed in Black Cargo pants, black shirt, with heavy tinted goggles. You could also see a light saber attached to his belt. No other weapons were visible. He slowly looked over the audience.

"Today at 7:55 am StormSec agents apprehended Baron Lodger Hawk and Klaus Mezzer. This was a joint operation between Storm Sec and the Empire. After completing my Sith Training under Master Vodo Bonias, I have sought to hunt down and eliminate Pirates and thieves from the galaxy. This is a step in ridding the galaxy of the scum that claim this galaxy. Baron Lodger Hawk will undergo a trial while in transit to Coruscant. With the current list of charges I have to say it is not looking to good for Baron Hawk. I would like to take a minute to say something to Eidola. You are not safe. If you chose to thrive off the weaker in the galaxy, and to steal from traders, you will be hunted down. We may not get you today, may not be tomorrow, and may not be for even a year. However we are coming for you. So choose wisely what you do. We are watching."

Storm scans the people present and then nods slowly at the camera.

At this point you again see the young lady sitting in front of the Dyna - Corp Logo.

"Well there you have it folks. Pirates be warned you are being hunted. And this ends this broadcast. You will now be returned to your normally scheduled program"

At this point regular program comes back on.

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