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Lodger Hawk escapes...21 minutes after being captured!
Hacked by: Derek Shado, Eidola
Date: Year 6 Day 81 Location Unknown
Apparently it seems that Isoldor Storm's plans to capture and kill an Eidola member have backfired...rather harshly.

After arresting Lodger Hawk on Tatooine, it appears that somehow the ship was overrun by other Eidola who literally picked up the arresting member of Isoldor's faction and threw him out the airlock back onto the dusty surface of Tatooine's Dune Sea.

The ship then flew off triumphantly into the horizon, while loud raucous stories were swapped, alcohol flowed, and Isoldor's pitiful attempts were mocked mercilessly.

For future record, yes, Klaus is also an Eidolon, so keep your eyes on him, he will likely kill one of your members in the near future.

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Events in Brief
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