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Alliance Leader on expedition to the Outer Rim
Posted by: Avatar, Rebel Alliance
Date: Year 6 Day 86 Onboard the YV-666 Aura in system Republica (-127, 395) on Year 6 Day 85 19:07.
GNS News, Adbatar - Republica:

Reports have come in from Republica showing that Avatar Voidrunner, the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, is undergoing preparations for a mission deep into the Outer Rim. While exact details are unknown at this time, third party observations seem to suggest enough supplies are being loaded on his ship to last for at least a few months.

We are also just now recieving a release from the Alliance, one moment while the data is patched through:


Beings of the Galaxy. Over the past few weeks, I have sensed things within the Force, things that have led me to determine that they must be investigated. I am taking a personal expedition out to the Outer Rim to follow these visions, where ever they may lead. It is hard to tell, but this journey will probably take three or four months, yet it is one that I must see through.

During my absence, Chrono Van Talisman, the Chief Military Officer of the Alliance, is stepping forward to lead the Alliance, and he will do so with the skill, knowledge and experience that he has shown for years in command positions all over the Alliance. Any and all issues or dealings that you would have had, or currently have pending, with myself or the Alliance, he is the point of contact. For pending issues, you may consider sending a brief message to ensure nothing falls through the cracks during the handover.

I wish I did not have to leave so suddenly, but things dealing with the Force are often out of the control of any one individual. May the Force be with you all, and may the Force speed my return.

Avatar Voidrunner


[OOC: RL things and my job in the Military have come to a head, until May I don't have time for the Combine. I won't clutter the GNS with OOC, if you want to know why, ask someone in the RA, a full OOC message is posted on RA boards.]

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Events in Brief
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Year 25 Day 173: BREAKING: Astronomers have measured the changes in Gasteroid's velocity and course. The probability of a collision with Ord Mantell or one of its moons - Geod'n, Diamxi or Quantxi - is considered high. Authorities are not urging an evacuation yet...
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Year 25 Day 171: Authorities have declared a state of emergency on Gasteroid, setting up a blood drive in the Infested Research Centre and asking ANYONE who hasn't donated a sample of their blood to do so.