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Liberty Medical Center receives generous donation
Posted by: Samweis, Liberty Medical Center
Date: Year 0 Day 1 Onboard the YT-510 LMCS Alfons in system Alderaan
Liberty Medical Center's Hospital Fleet Department received a DST from private citizen Luke Skydwarfer to ensure increased life-saving and equipment transports for people in need.

"We're so grateful to Mr. Skydwarfer for his generous gift to the LMC Department," said LMC CO Director Samweis. "Through the support of individuals like Mr. Skydwarfer, we'll be able to extend and to continue to provide the very best in healthcare for even small communities in the galaxy."

This new Transport will be named by suggestion of Mr. Skydwarfer in memory of A. Vesalius. It will include a new four-room intensive care unit with accompanying telemetry step-down rooms and a new pharmacy service area. The expansion will give the local department enough space to create a "fast track" service for urgent care patients, which would help reduce waiting times to 20 standard minutes in the system, Samweis said.

"I'm glad to support organizations that have such a meaningful impact in healthcare thoughout the galaxy." Skydwarfer says. In return he was decorated with the Liberty Medical Star.


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