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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
A Slight Misunderstanding
Posted by: Jeric Sensar, Galactic Salvage Inc
Date: Year 0 Day 1 Onboard the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Funeral Bell in system


A Slight Misundersanding
- A story by Tarren Taksakamoto of GNS

We were called to the City of Odium on Mon Calamari this week by a rather curious
individual who goes by the alias "DruG." He represents the Galactic
Salvage Inc. group and claims that Colonial Shipworks is, and I quote "as
full of shit as my ass." Needless to say, the interview was hard to conduct.
I had to ask questions numerous times, as DruG kept staring at my chest mindlessly.
What follows is the edited condensed version of the interview.

Tarren: Mr. Sensar, you say that it is not Colonial Shipworks that owns Mon
Calamari, but Galactic Salvage Inc.

DruG: Whoa lady, call me DruG, unless you want to just scrap this interview
and find some nice hotel room, then you can call me whatever you want. I got
a brother, he'd be down for something wild.

Tarren: Uh, let's just stick to the questions.

DruG: Whatever. GSI owns this waterlogged planet. The only thing Colonial can
do is pay us taxes or (The following was edited out for content.)

Tarren: My goodness you have a mouth on you. Very well, and if Colonial does
not want to pay taxes?

DruG: (This response was edited as well.)

Tarren: Well, thank you for your time. Is there somewhere that the public can
reach you for more information on the situation?

DruG: (Indecent proposal) but seriously, . Please,
all you hot females out there, label the nude photos "NUDE" so that
I can ignore the others and get straight to you.

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