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BlasTech Industries Re-emerges
Posted by: Taldar Logas, BlasTech Industries
Date: Year 17 Day 276 Onboard the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser Feriae Godmother in system Feriae (171, 281).
BlasTech Industries Re-emerges
Thesme Sector Witnesses Industrial Re-organization
::Report from the Thesme Sector: Mark J. Hammer, transmitting from Thesme::
BlasTech Industries was a corporation on the verge of dissolution.  After a change in leadership, which left a hole at the top, the company fell into a cycle non-competitive production, and with stalling innovation.  Few if any investors had hope for the company.  Perhaps it was because of that despair that the Schism Collective was able to acquire what little there was of the company at rock bottom prices in a takeover that went almost un-noticed.  That did not last for long, rebranding their operations under the BlasTech banner, well known despite its recent issues, the Schism Collective has given new and growing life to flagging giant. 
Backed by weight of the Thesme based consortium and filled with the vigor of its new leadership, the company has already made good on several contracts.  Heavyweight business acumen has ensured a health array of future work, including contracts within the Thesme Sector and with foreign groups such as CorSec.  A reassuring sign that the ethos of the Schism Collective will be carried over; combining their own reputation for reliability with the brand recognition of the former giant.  This heady mix which has already done much to rehabilitate the BlasTech name and further the reputation of its new owner, Taldar Logas.  
Taldar Logas, came to the Thesme Sector with the Order of Kampar nearly a decade ago.
The Schism Collective brand itself has been pasted to the mining corporation formerly known as Star End's Mining.  Further, if unneeded, proof of the close cooperation between the different branches of the Thesme based cartel family.  If the redevelopment of BlasTech Industries can be taken as a sign of things to come, then the future looks bright.  Alloying faltering but well known entities with their own vigorous corporations as the potential balance experience, energy, and innovation with name recognition.  To achieve, and no founder on the many rock which hazard such an effort, and while retaining the old name within the industry 'family' shows both acumen and character in farsighted leadership. 
BlasTech Industries is now headquartered the Feriae system.
Fitting this move within the context of events in the Thesme Sector is critical.   Just a few months ago the informal control of the region was made more formal as official rolls of nobility were established, and industrial magnate Horley Cyan enthroned as the de facto leader of the Sector. Taldar Logas is recognized as one of the very small inner circle and this move is clearly orchestrated in the context of the wider region.  The expansion of the region's industrial strength seems to be key for the future power of the monarchy.  The reorganized BlasTech Industries, has widened the already significant inventory available to the growing sector military, and favorably effected the sector's trade balance.  All of this has furthered the esteem of the new regime in the eyes of the populace, which is keenly aware of their sector's economic boom. 
A few months ago BlasTech Industries would have been an investment few would take seriously.  Reversing that, if nothing else, is an achievement. Yet the potential for this reborn giant is hard to limit.  Its new leaders have shown an acute awareness of economic realities, and proven track record.  With conditions thus primed BlasTech Industries maybe on the verge of a turnaround for the record books. 

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 188: With no one left who is willing to challenge their leadership or run for planetary office, Corliss & Co. has now assumed complete control of Arvala-1.