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Flames of Rebellion
Hacked by: Coren Rinou, The Rebellion
Date: Year 21 Day 82 Onboard the MC-80b Star Cruiser The Radiant in system Polordio (80, -360).

Polordio, Polordio II - Resentment and riots have reportedly taken hold of the Republic after citizens all across the galaxy woke up to find their freedom, rights, and lives given away to the Galactic Empire. Billions of citizens found themselves caught in widespread confusion and panic as their worlds became subjects of the New Order, with local officials replaced by the Emperor’s appointees. With information from these worlds becoming instantaneously limited once the Empire’s rule began, what was available had been heavily censored and sensationalized by the Empire’s incredibly efficient and richly funded public relations and propaganda machine.

Born from a lack of information about the actual events leading to the surrender, resentment rose from local populaces spread out across the entire Republic. At first, no citizen could believe the situation they found themselves in. Questions were raised about the validity of the surrender claims, after all who could possibly believe that a long serving and much respected Herglic Chief of State, Galen Darksol, would submit to the will of the Empire and betray billions of sentients? The same Empire subjugated the Herglic home world of Giju, by slaughtering thousands of Herglics before forcing a surrender to the greedy will of the Empire which sought the infrastructure destruction of yet another race's home world. An Empire built upon passionate xenophobic conviction surely would not stoop to accept a Herglic as the hero of the empire? It contradicts the faith and surety of the human superiority the Empire holds so dear. But as time went on, the fact rose to the surface, Galen Darksol, the “Whale of Betrayal” had sold the souls, hopes, dreams and freedom of an entire populous of fellow sentients, billions of men, women and children had been handed over to the yoke of tyranny in an instant. This the people could not tolerate.

Overt resistance was a foregone conclusion when billions of people faced a sudden loss of freedom and oppression by an invading host. News started to be whispered that the majority of the New Republic armed forces, civilian members of its government departments and Nationalized Corporations had escaped the clutches of the Empire and were rallying to a new yet all familiar cause, The Rebel Alliance. Reports began flowing from these isolated worlds that neighborhoods, backed by small military detachments of the former-New Republic military began to fight back against the Emperor’s forces. Like those that rebelled two-decades ago, a growing number of people refuse to submit to a tyrannical and heartless regime.

Here on Polordio II the populace has risen up, and the Empire’s propaganda mechanisms can longer keep this a secret. Riots have erupted across all densely populated cities, and armed resistance has begun against the Imperial overlords. As one fellow rioting sentient stated “If we have to burn it all down to prevent the Empire from gaining the fruits of our toil while denying us our liberty, then so be it, we can always rebuild later.” Spread thin by their lust for galactic domination, the Imperial Union does not have the military capacity to subdue so many worlds at once. The Grand Moff, Nikolaus Ephranor, who has been granted the magistrates position in the Danjar Sector, is hard pressed to quell the increasing riots being held on Polordio II in the Suarbi cities on the planet. Knowing they are heavily outnumbered by their captives, the Empire has reportedly turned to more violent measures to try and regain their precarious grip on the Danjar Sector. This has resulted in increased outrage at the treatment of free sentients and more and more people are raising their fists in the air to join the riots and shout in unison "Rebel, Rebuild, Reborn!"

As cries for freedom fill the streets, protesters have begun posting Galen Darksol’s wanted poster as a sign of defiance. Issued by Rebellion security forces shortly after the regrouping of former NR leadership, the poster has become a sign of anger and civil disobedience, letting those who see it know they are not alone. Similar, the RA insignia has begun popping up more and more, as whispers of the rebellion grow. A calling card for hope and freedom, protesters paint. stick, and plaster the symbol around the planet. It can commonly be found in public squares, alleys, and even some daring bars, until Imperial forces have the chance to destroy them. But for every insignia or poster purged, it seems ten more appear in its place.

To further stoke the fires of freedom, The Rebel Alliance and their allies are actively recruiting sentients to join the fight for freedom and are supporting their actions in any way they can. From smuggling in basic equipment, supplies, food, medical equipment, news and information to help the citizens cope with the increased oppression orchestrated, to evacuating NR worlds, The Rebel Alliance is there.

The New Republic may have been betrayed and destroyed, but the belief in freedom, justice and equality for all sentients is as strong as ever. The will to fight shines brightest on the darkest of nights. While open rebellion has begun across worlds, many are now turning their eyes and hopes to the mysteriously missing New Republic Battlegroups, and the potential liberation forces from the Galactic Alliance. Where and when they shall emerge is anticipated to be answered soon, bringing a day of reckoning to a momentarily victorious Imperial Union.

This is Tuk Rhim from Liberty Press, a subsidiary of the Rebel Broadcasting Group (RBG) reporting live from the surface of Polardio II during The Rebel riots Year 21, Day 82

[Main Page]
Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 144: Czerka Corporation, holding numerous systems, today claimed their independence. Czerka Corporation is now recognized in the Galaxy as a legal government.
Year 25 Day 143: Haor Chall Engineering was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
Year 25 Day 143: Tyris Smith, the leader of Kuat Drive Yards was replaced today by Thion Roseland.
Year 25 Day 143: Thion Roseland, the leader of Baktoid Armour Workshop was replaced today by Kieran Pakbret.
Year 25 Day 142: Bara Fur, the leader of Industrial Automaton was replaced today by Coren Rinou.