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The Dark Confederacy Ascends
Hacked by: Bork Shalas, Son-tuul Pride
Date: Year 25 Day 146 Location Unknown
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Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories.

In another shake-up, the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Black Nebula Corsairs have officially joined forces with the Son-Tuul Pride bandit confederacy, ultimately adding two more organizations under the umbrella of the organized crime syndicate Zann Consortium, often hailed as pirates and terrorists.

Led by Zacros Verite, the Brotherhood of Darkness emerged from within the Ternion Corps and the Resistance, sharing a quest for freedom akin to that of the Son-Tuul Pride. Pledging their affiliation with the Morobe brigand warlords, they bring their formidable force order and clone army into the fold, adding another layer of strength to the Son-Tuul Pride’s ranks.

Similarly, the Black Nebula Corsairs, disenchanted with the status quo of the bounty hunter community, specifically citing the politics of the Mandalorian-run bounty hunting collective, found resonance in Son-Tuul's recent acts of defiance against CIS and One Nation Under Jou. Leland and his crew are believed to be seeking deeper immersion into the dark side of crime. Leland Thakkun, a notable associate of various pirates in the galaxy with roots in Mandalorian heritage, injects another cultural element into the Son-Tuul Pride conglomerate, diversifying its capabilities and reach, offering Son-Tuul unparalleled information from a community that swears to hunt the Pride.

Image of Knights of Ren gathering

“To echo the words of the Dragon Head (crime lord) of Zann Consortium, Ximaro Jix, once more: 'We only have one war, and that is against civilization,'” asserted Bork Shalas, Khagan of Son-Tuul Pride.

What makes the inclusion of Leland Thakkun’s group so interesting, and has pundits concerned, is that Leland is showing the masses that there is a rapid decline of Mandalorian culture in the galaxy. What was once a mark of pride is now devolving into a kind of dark ages for the culture, with several turning to crime and mercenary work to make ends meet because the Mandalorian community is struggling to sustain itself.

Similarly, with the Brotherhood of Darkness leader Zacros Verite, a known supporter of the Mandalorian community, has now turned their back, citing the increased political infrastructure as the key reason Zacros has lost faith in the group at large.

“Because I choose to live my own life my own way,” Zacros stated out loud during an interview, “Ternion Corp claims I am persona non grata. So be it then, at least I am free of their oppressive culture's enslavement.”

According to sources within the bandit horde, Leland expressed to Son-Tuul Pride upon joining that they had grown tired of the politics and lack of commitment that Mandos show for each other and had decided it was better to strike out on their own than fall victim to them.

Additionally, skeptics around the galaxy are questioning the motivations behind the recruitment from Son-Tuul and the individual mission behind each outfit. Some critics insist that Son-Tuul Pride is simply trying to capture members like the now imprisoned Smugglers Alliance leader Corvo Skarn, who is believed to have been secretly working with Bork until Corvo became more greedy—an event which has since drawn out one spy captured by Pride allies, the Hutt Cartel. Others agitators insist and warn Shalas that these individuals have been sent by a seemingly dysfunctional Mandalorian collective to eliminate him.

Amidst these recent amalgamations, they signify the rise of the Dark Confederacy within the underworld networks spanning the galaxy, a consolidation of power radiating from the Morobe sector and beyond.Rogue Frequency remains committed to delivering news often censored by traditional communication networks, shedding light on the covert machinations of these enigmatic factions as they navigate the murky waters of galactic intrigue and power dynamics

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