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The Occasionally Show With Tembre Fe`ll
Posted by: Tembre Fell, Order of Krath
Date: Year 5 Day 174 Onboard the Y-Wing Fugitive 01 at galactic position (-6, 50).

*The holonet shows the opening for 'The Occasionally Show with Tembre Fe`ll' then cuts to a shot of Tembre behind a desk in the studio. The audience's wild applause dies down.*


Tembre Fe`ll: Hey! Hello people! We have a lot to get to so let's get right to it.

WE BEGIN TONIGHT with a story from the heart of the galaxy. The Imperial Military is one of unrelenting might. Among their arsenal are the Super Star Destroyer, the TIE Interceptor, the Stormtrooper... and now the con artist.


In a shocking display of lack of force, the Empire announced today that it has begun using criminal tactics to catch thieves and pirates. These tactics included fraudulent business deals and bribing middlemen. Now, this may seem a bit odd until you realize that it's all part of the Emperor's broader "War on Irony" campaign.

An anonymous High Command member had this to say to the GNS wire service: "Those that make their living stealing from others will be made to pay."
He added, "unless they're doing it for us, in which case it's all good."

We now turn to our Senior Senior Imperial Correspondant Syn Becket-Fe`ll. Now Syn, this seems to be an incredible turnaround for the Empire.

Syn: You would think so, Tembre, but actually this comes right on the heels of the "If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em" Act that just was signed in to law.

Tembre: But still, the Empire is deliberately breaking its own laws to fight criminals, isn't that a bit hypocritical?

Syn: Oh Tembre, Tembre... you poor deluded fool. The Empire is simply using every tool in its arsenal to stop these cowardly jackals that prey on the weak. Even if they have to lie and cheat every person they come across.

Tembre: Are you saying that they're doing this for the people?

Syn: Look, if the Empire doesn't steal and cheat people, then how will traders go about their business without fear of getting ripped off? It's a simple solution, steal the ships before the thieves can.

Tembre: Okay, I never really thought about it that way. Syn Becket-Fe`ll, people! We'll take a break and we'll be right back.

*The theme plays over 'The Occasionally Show with Tembre Fe`ll' logo.*

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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 154: Citizens of Skip Two go to the polls this week in a referendum vote that is projected to remove Smugglers Incorporated from leadership. The world's future after the vote is still unclear.
Year 25 Day 154: Partisans is now widely recognized as the most likely to stabilize the situation on Mek va Uil, and has been offered aid and recognition by most of the galaxy's major powers.
Year 25 Day 153: After a landslide vote of no confidence, Partisans is no longer the ruling body on Mek va Uil.
Year 25 Day 153: Sanctuary Prime has been renamed to Partisans. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 153: Pentastar Alignment has been renamed to Echani Dominion. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 153: The Ragnar Syndicate has been renamed to The Wild Bunch. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
Year 25 Day 153: UMC Inc was dissolved today.
Year 25 Day 151: Trilon Inc. was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.