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Prize Vendors have been spawned in all Space Colony I, Space Colony II, Trading I, Trading II and in Petabys Station. If you have participated in the tournament (even those of you not on the roster that snuck in) you will have access to this NPC. If there are any problems, contact me via DM or Discord. They will be available until the next tournament event, at which point they will just go away so they can help me manage that one.

Thank you and see you next round :D

Hello, everyone!

Your friendly neighborhood cryptid here. It's debatable if I exist, but this news most definitely does!

I would like to announce that as of January 1st warsim will be going away entirely. We will be removing the ability to access it for all players. XP will remain on and prizes will be given out until then.

But what now, you ask?

I'm glad you did! We will be running regular exhibition events through the year. The first event is a tournament that will take place on January 27th, and will run through January 29th. The times we will be running games is from 6:00-15:00 Combine Time. If you sign up, we will be running all of your games through these times.

There will be other events that run at different times this upcoming year.

Rules and registration are provided below. Rules may change before the event starts. Prizes will be offered to winners and those who perform well enough. What those prizes are will be announced later. XP will be turned on for every match for this event.

Registration is open to everyone.

Be warned if there is too much demand I might turn away teams on a first come, first serve basis. The public coordinators are being tasked with helping run this, and there are only so many of them.

If you have any questions, drop me a DM or reach out to me on discord.

Don't forget to thank Noctis!

Link to Rules

Sign Up Link

Exhibitions Discord Link


The Official Schedule (all times are in Combine time)

NOTE: The schedule may change slightly before game day. If I make any further changes I will alert everyone with more flashing blue icons and pings in discord but as of now this is final. Teams are responsible for knowing when they are to show up and who to talk to. I also won't be ending any timers or helping remove equipment. There are well over 100 people participating and I just don't have the ability, I'm but a single cryptid pretending to be a beehive behind a keyboard.


Falcon Edit:

To clear up some of the confusion about the back and forth on Warsim lately: Warsim was coded in LISP and tied directly to the Baugrems character for things to make it work in a janky way. It was always duct taped and band-aided together. Now that Baugrems is gone, if we want to reintroduce it, we should do so in PHP that integrates it directly into the game in a non-hacked-together way. I do recognize and understand the disappointment and/or frustration for the back and forth with Warsim these past few weeks, and thank everyone for their patience through it all.


Chupacabra Edit:

Three things:
1. We made a room in the exhibitions discord - #looking-for-team - to help anyone that feels they may need help finding a team or forming one. Post in there if you feel you are having issues finding a team to join or wish to form one and aren't finding enough people. Also, make sure if you are forming a team you have the consent of everyone involved.

2. Sign ups close on January 20th.

3. Check out them prizes! How it works is if a team gets to a certain place, each player on that team can pick a prize from the pool listed. Each player can pick from pools below their rank too. There is no limit on how many people can pick what prize (eg; 1st place can do all dp-20b's for all I care).

13 x Clone Trooper Armor Set
13 x BARC Trooper Armor Set
12 x Longprobe Fighter
1 x DP-20b Gunship

1 x Clone Trooper Armor Set
1 x BARC Trooper Armor Set
1 x Longprobe Fighter
50m Credits

Clone Trooper Helmet
Clone Trooper Armor
BARC Trooper Helmet
BARC Trooper Armor
10m Credits

Knockout Participants:
1 x ETA-2
1 x HWK-290
1 x YT-1760
5m Credits

1 x ETA-5 DC
1 x Ginivex DC
1 x V-19 Torrent DC

Captains, when you are about to start a match, or getting ready to start one, contact the coordinator that is assigned to your game about 10-15 minutes before start time. Tell them what player on your team is using what ship. All communication between teams and coordinators should flow through the captain.

Make sure your team has done the following before a match:
1. No medical, cooldown, training, or action timers (travel is ok)
2. ALL equipment is removed
3. Not part of a party
4. They have gone to settings (top right corner of screen) and opted in for showdowns

I will not be ending timers or assisting in removal of equipment. There are well over 100 players and I literally do not have the time to accommodate this.

I will, upon request, change out Captains for another player that is on the team and already registered. I will not add/drop players from the roster.

Sorry about this (especially to Space Debris and Motley Crew) but I did have to re-arrange some of the schedule for bracket games. Two games were moved to accommodate changes in coordinator availability. Please re-check the schedule if you are in the bracket and plan accordingly. I do not foresee any further changes.

Chupacabra edit: FYI, if you need to add/drop team members before the sign up close date, you have the ability to modify your answers on the google form. You do not need to PM/DM me.

Noctis edit: Just for funzies.

Chupacabra edit: Look at that bracket link I just added

Another Chupacabra edit: The schedule is posted. Also, blue flashing icon and thanks Noctis for helping me with this schedule you are the man... ewok... thing

Chupacabra again: How to get your game going in one block of text this time!

Chupacabra schedule madness update.

Chupacabra the last update for this one. It's been fun, gang!

(Edited by Chupacabra on Year 24 Day 72)