2124 active members
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 Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums
 Aurodium Legion
 Black Sun
 Blue Sabre Federation
 Blue Star Dominion
 Bounty Hunters Guild
 Chiss Ascendancy
 Confederacy of Independent Systems
 Crimson Dawn
 Czerka Corporation
 Eidola Pirates
 Endless Endeavors
 eXiles Corporation
 Falleen Federation
 Galactic Empire (Galactic Government)
 Hapes Consortium
 Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc.
 Jawa Offworld Enterprises
 Jedi Order
 Krath Empire
 Rebel Alliance
 Rogue Squadron
 Sienar Fleet Systems
 Son-tuul Pride
 The Exchange
 The Faerytail Family
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 Tion Hegemony
 Total Outer Rim
 Trade Federation
 Tresario Star Kingdom
 Triumvirate Coalition
 Ailon Nova Guard
 Alpha Medical Corporation
 Annuli Sentinels
 Anu Wares and Holdings
 Aphelion Engineering
 Athakam MedTech
 Baktoid Armour Workshop
 Binring Biomedical
 Black Rock
 BlasTech Industries
 Byblos Drive Yards
 Cantrell Conglomerate
 Centrepoint Space Station
 Centurion Arms
 Cerberus Corporation
 Chaotic Defense Systems
 Children of Turul
 Corellian Engineering Corporation
 Corliss & Co.
 Corona Consortium
 Corporate Alliance
 Corporate Sector Authority
 Cybot Galactica
 Deep Automation Mining Nexus
 DOM Arsenal
 Dorinian Military Corps
 Dukha Industrial
 Dynamet Corp
 D`Este Realty
 Eclipse Enterprises
 Emerald Ring
 Endless Initiative
 Eyttyrmin Pirates
 Freelancers Alliance
 FreiTek Inc.
 Galactic Bank
 Galactic Weapon Systems
 Galentro Heavy Works
 Guri-n Krayt
 Hanabusa Holdings
 Havoc Squad
 Honnete Mercantiles Capital Group
 Horizon Corporation
 Hutt Cartel
 Imperial Droid Corporation
 Imperial Mining Corporation
 Imperial Munitions
 Incom Corporation
 Industrial Automaton
 InterGalactic Banking Clan
 Interstellar Parcel Service
 Jawa Outer Colonies
 Kessel Run Resources
 Kilsyth Guards
 Knights of the Fountain
 Koensayr Manufacturing
 Kolohe Mining Group MK2
 Krayts Claw
 Kuat Drive Yards
 Loronar Corporation
 Maelstrom Industrial Salvage
 Matukai Dragons
 Merr-Sonn Technologies
 Motsognir Productions
 Muurian Interstellar
 Mythical Trading
 Nikklon Mining Incorporated
 NovaStar Industries
 One Nation Under Jou
 Outland Mining Corporation
 Phoenix Salvage
 Pyke Syndicate
 Quatrium Disciples
 Rendili StarDrive
 Rol Recycling Corporation
 Scrapper Guild
 Shadola United
 Sienar Technologies
 Skyglow Engineering
 Slayn & Korpil
 Slice of the Hutt`s Emporium
 Starborne Medical
 Stryker Military Services
 Subduco Syndicate
 Sublight Products Corporation
 Sweetbriar Engineering
 SYT Transport
 Techno Union
 Tenloss Syndicate
 Ternion Corps
 The Antarian Rangers
 The Ashla Covenant
 The Black Hand
 The Echani Dominion
 The Invid Order
 The Jensaarai
 The Legacy of Ithor
 The Lethean Ecumene
 The Menagerie
 The Outer Rim Security
 The Pentastar Alignment
 The Restored Empire
 The Skulls
 The Smugglers Guild
 The Wraiths
 The Zhellic Ecclesiarchy
 Tion Mil/Sci Industries
 Trilon Mining
 Tusk Brothers Trading Company
 Ubrikkian Industries
 Unnamed Imperium
 Veritas Press
 Way of the Mandalore
Eclipse Enterprises

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 20 Day 348
Leader: Zefa Xeed
Second In Command: Marius Zanex
Recruitment Liaisons: Gabriela Onyx
Chat: Discord Invite
Forum: Faction Forum

Join This Faction


Eclipse Enterprises,  knows as Eclipse is a galactic venture that specialized in the production of defensive gear and starfighters. It was originally formed to create weapons and other devices for security forces or mercenaries.
They primarily manufactured Starfighters components, electronics systems and devices, but they did expand their product lines to include weaponry and soldiers defensive equipment.
They produce defensive systems for private and military use. One of the company's early markets was the field of Ionic weaponry.
With CEO Zefa Xeed at the head and backed by a resilient board of directors, this company is driven by their independence and ability to be self-reliant as they forge a strong brand that will put even the biggest producers to the test.
Each day this company takes on new contracts and finds innovative ways to expand their capabilities ensuring a wide selection of every day goods are made available to their growing list of clients without compromising the values this company was founded on.
“Forged by the Stars,Together we are strong”

History of Eclipse Enterprises:

  • Year 23 Day 330: Eclipse Defense Systems starts operating with CEO Zefa Xeed at the head of the Board of Directors.
  • Year 25 Day 115: Eclipse Defense Systems has been renamed to Eclipse Enterprises.
  • Year 25 Day 130: Eclipse Enterprises joins the Separatist Alliance.

Join the Separatist Alliance and the Confederacy of Independent Systems

The CIS offers many benefits to sentients who choose to join the Separatist cause. Universal healthcare including cybernetics, free equipment, competitive pay and much more. If you wish to speak to an official of the Confederacy to learn more, you can join our discord server HERE

¡Únete a nuestra comunidad emprendedora en Eclipse!


¿Tienes una idea brillante que quieres llevar al siguiente nivel? ¿Buscas un grupo de personas apasionadas como tú para trabajar juntos en proyectos emocionantes? ¡Entonces has llegado al lugar correcto!

En Eclipse Enterprises, creemos en el poder de la colaboración y la creatividad para impulsar el éxito. Estamos buscando a emprendedores talentosos y motivados que quieran formar parte de nuestra familia emprendedora.

Al unirte a nosotros, tendrás acceso a:

  • Una red de mentores y colaboradores dispuestos a ayudarte en tu camino.
  • Talleres y material educativo para desarrollar tus habilidades y conocimientos.
  • Oportunidades de financiamiento y apoyo para hacer realidad tus ideas.
  • Un ambiente de apoyo y motivación donde puedes crecer.
  • Una flota y estructuras disponibles para que puedas comenzar tu carrera.
  • Técnologias y recursos materiales para poder producir lo que desees.

¡No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de formar parte de algo grande! Únete a nosotros y juntos alcanzaremos el éxito que tanto deseas.

Puestos Disponibles:
Actualmente nos encontramos con los siguientes puestos disponibles:

Si volar por la galaxia y conocer nuevos planetas es lo tuyo, tenemos puestos en el area de Logística para pilotos con o sin experiencia. 
Si lo tuyo es producir, construir o prospectar materiales, hay puestos disponibles, se aprende lo necesario sobre la marcha.
Guerreros atentos! si lo tuyo es el combate y la aventura, tenemos puestos disponibles en nuestra flota para luchar por la causa Separatista.

Para unirte a nuestra comunidad, simplemente haz clic en "Join Faction" o visítanos en el  Foro de Eclipse para más información. ¡Esperamos dar la bienvenida a nuevos miembros apasionados como tú!

¡Empieza tu viaje con nosotros hoy!




Faction Datacards Diplomacy Manufacturing Mining Paramilitary Trading

Datacards Owned:
Ships Vehicles Droids Items Weapons Facilities Stations
Class-A Cargo Container Mk II
Colossal-class Heavy Carrier
Y-8 Mining Vessel
C-wing Ugly
GRZ-6B Wrecker
TIE-wing Ugly
X-ceptor Ugly
Y-TIE Ugly
BR-23 Courier
GR-75 Medium Transport
Toscan 8-Q Starfighter
FK-7 Airspeeder
SX-65 Groundhog
EVS Construction Droid
LIN-series Miner
Bacta Ryfill
Poison Vial
Ryll Patch
Tactical Helmet
Death Stick
Sub-Space Radio
Combat Armour
Ship Parts
Riot Shield
Alpha Plus Charge
Bryar Rifle
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Recycling Plant
Training Academy
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Golan Laser Battery
Computer Control Centre
Crew Quarters
Slave Market
Labour Camp
Civic Centre
Commerce Centre
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Asteroid Hideout
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Trading II