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Posted by Zhao Yun on Year 13 Day 117 11:56

Akheton Medical Service was dissolved recently due to  bankruptcy. Due to a discrepency between the rules and the code (Assets are stated to be worth x2 the RMP cost when in actual fact they were calculated at cost), the owner was misled to believing that they had protected the faction from such an event, the faction has been recreated and the assets that went to the market returned.

The rules relating to this will most likely amended in place of a gameplay change, though discussion is still being had on the matter.


Also, I'll use this Sim News post to highlight that the requirement that a faction maintains a third-party website has been dropped. Factions are still able to provide a URL to a website, and are encouraged to do so if they feel it will enrich the faction experience, however, we feel that the requirement is antiquated and requires both the players and the administration to dedicate ridiculous amounts of time to both following and enforcing.