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Posted by Clarr Solo on Year 19 Day 365 1:38

- New feature: Station Garrisons [see rules page]. Station garrisons is a feature intended to make defense of systems easier.
- Update Fincome Transactions overview: add option for last 31 days output, page loading slowly will not block other pages loading. Be careful as this may INLCUDE the last monthly run if it is within 31 days.
- Limited droid and item recycling XP to 1
- Added limitation on the number of bacta tanks you can monitor at once based on medical skill [see rules page]

- Fix issues with custom image submission form
- Fix exploit with xss on faction homepage link
- Fix issue where rules pages show mangled locations
- Fix exploit relating to npc market
- Fix skill category ordering for npc skillset fitouts user interface
- Fix issue with adding station build permissions crashing
- Remove form disabler on facility construction step 1 (safari back button fix)
- Cockpit squadron page now has filter box
- Fixing factory stations kicking items into space
- Handle situation where a power generator actively providing power being destroyed [rules page for power gens have been updated] (#5146)
- Could not edit budget descriptions (#5147)
- Workaround issue where forum badge not rendering with skin
- Add all missing size categories to city designer [8x8, etc]

- Added rules for combat tactics [see rules page]