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Posted by Wombat on Year 22 Day 353 3:41

Small update today.

  • Ground bandit/creature spawning and persistence has been updated to behave more like Space bandits. Reference the Ground Combat rules.
    • Ground bandits/creatures will persist on the terrain for one week after the last character leaves.
    • If no bandits and/or creatures spawn when terrain is entered, the next spawn attempt is in one week after the last character leaves.
    • If all bandits and/or creatures are killed, the next spawn attempt is one week after the last character leaves.
  • No more than one squad of colossal creatures will spawn per terrain grid.
  • Gas Giant terrain must now be cleared of hostiles before city construction can begin.

We understand that the changes to bandit and creature spawning may have an impact on those of you who are devoted to hunting. There are additional changes planned (but not ready to discuss in detail yet) that will help offset these changes to spawn rates.  Look for more news on this front in the coming weeks. It's bait. You use it and things come for you to kill. Rules are still in development but this should be a quick development cycle.

EDIT: To further clarify, if there are bandits on a square that someone has left to despawn and a player enters, it will cancel the despawn. If there are no bandits and the respawn timer is running and a player enters, it does not affect the respawn timer.

(Edited by Wombat on Year 22 Day 353)