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Posted by Wombat on Year 23 Day 50 12:42

The Winterfest games are officially CLOSED! I'm sure Polar will post a much more original and enjoyable wrap-up news, but here's what that means for you right now:

  • All "game" NPCs are now closed.
  • Access to the comet is now closed.
  • Access to the Thunderdome is now closed.
  • Access to the station is still available from the comet (one way only) or the galaxy at large (bidirectional, for now)
  • You may still access all vendors on the station to spend credits and Frost Candy.
  • There are no special end-of-event purchases; the lists remain the same as they were during the event. Sorry, Venator fans.

Once the station closes, anyone remaining on the comet, in the Thunderdome, or on the station will be sent back to their "home" station or facility. The station will remain accessible for approximately one week, but Polar will make the final determination on when the station will close.