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Posted by Polar on Year 23 Day 161 10:21

Polar here


We have a new Deathmatch winner! Hexagon shaped avatar wins!(no one should be surprised) It's Dex Sehrin! Congratulations. New round has been started, you can check if you or your friends are there and vote against them here.


Results of grudge matches from last week: Which Is Your Favorite RM Hauling Heavy Freighter? The one and only: Bulk Freighter! Is there anyone who never piloted one? if there is, you should go and do it right now, you will not regret it!

Best place to live! -  South. I think it's the right answer. North was not far away from south when it comes to votes, only 30 votes away! That's less than Chisses and people who are still stuck on Winter Comet, who voted for Island Life.

Our Grudge Match Actually Affects Something serie will go through an interesting plot twist. The winning option: Stay with Sel aboard the Russet Eagle, and go down fighting alongside her friend. will have terrible consequences for our main characters. What kind of consequences? You can read about them here.


New Grudge matches are out!


That's it for today! Have a good weekend everyone! And if you happen to have a bad one... bad days are often a source of good, interesting stories! Stay strong like a... like a... strong Gamorrean!

Polar out