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Posted by Platypus on Year 25 Day 239 11:55

Hello everyone, having come back from a brush with IRL permadeath, I would like to try rewarding the grim reaper by doing something with SWC permadeath. The main stumbling block is that we do not appear to have a consensus on whether to go towards the light or run away from it.

Therefore I am launching this survey in order that the SWC community may express its hopes, dreams and wishes as we continue to approach global combat. May the future ever be filled with violence and destruction in this universe, which literally has Wars in its name.

Click here for survey

If you have questions, feel free to hit me up in DMs. Or submit a support ticket.

Edit: The survey will remain open for a week and be closed around D246. Results may be published shortly after that point. 

Edit2: 544 responses so far. There are still three days until I close this. 

The survey has been closed. Stand by for results.

(Edited by Platypus on Year 25 Day 246)