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Welcome to the Galactic News Service
Underworld Racing Returns
Hacked by: Ximaro Jix, Hutt Cartel
Date: Year 24 Day 266 Onboard the CR-90 Assassin-class Corvette {Kadijic} Assassin's Blood in system Drup (-73, -443).


In the vast expanse of our galaxy, one undeniable truth reigns: survival is fleeting. So, why not seize the chance to forge a trail unlike any other? Picture yourself tearing through the wild, untamed jungle wastes of planet Yelsain, outpacing even a Trandoshan in pursuit of a Wookiee. Imagine ascending to legendary status, much like the esteemed racer Jensen Odama.



This year on day 328 for 5 days, Underworld Racing is thrilled to unveil the first of a trilogy of races spread across three distinct planets. Our odyssey commences amidst the rugged expanse of Yelsain around its ocean. Here, racing icon Jensen Odama takes on the challenge of setting the stage for what lies ahead. Navigating treacherous terrain, contending with indigenous life forms, and wrestling with the unpredictable climate. Odama joins an array of audacious contenders in a spectacle that promises thrill and intrigue.

The event is proudly presented by an alliance of influential factions: Hutt Cartel , The Invid Order, Black Sun, Zann Consortium, and The Mecrotica Conglomerate.

Hosted by Hutt Cartel.

Supported by a remarkable array of entities including the Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums, Biotech, Black Rose Extractions, Bounty Hunters Guild, Children of The Watch, Crimson Dawn, Crymorah Syndicate, Death Watch, Guardians of Kiffu, Internal Resources, The Kolkpravis, Pyke Syndicate, Unnamed Mining, Smugglers Alliance, Smugglers Guild, Tusk Brothers Trading, Jax Starblade, Jonas Kanuteau, Orion Cran of the Rebel Alliance – this race stands as a testament to the diverse galactic backing it enjoys.

Participants stand to win an array of prizes, from credits to coveted trophies and various technology including high-speed vehicles. The race guarantees an unforgettable experience, meticulously crafted to challenge your mettle. Racers from across the galaxy will converge on this first of three community events, drawn by the allure of competition and camaraderie.

Nestled within the Minos sector, the planet Yelsain plays host to a spectrum of supplementary activities and events. Among these are gambling, vendors, black market exchanges, and a custom showcase for pod racers, swoops, and all manner of land speeders decked out in their finest attire.

So, whether you're drawn by the prospect of wagering on your favorite racer or a dark horse contender, or if you simply yearn to test your luck from behind the handlebars of a speeder, or you just want to support a galactic community event. We hope to see you.

As always, The Hutt Cartel would like to remind you. Everyone is scum to someone….only the Zann Consortium and it's affiliates don't pretend to be anything different. 


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Events in Brief
Year 25 Day 174: BREAKING: Gasteroid has slipped between Geod'n and Diamxi. None dare predict where it will end up. Ord Mantell has raised its planetary shields to maximum power and Gasteroid authorities are starting a mass evacuation at D175 0:00.
Year 25 Day 174: Jarwen`faar Kruder, the leader of Jabiim Consortium was replaced today by Damyo Kruder.
Year 25 Day 173: Amidst the tremors and gravitational anomalies, Linkin Bark performed tonight on Gasteroid as a part of their Twin Suns tour for a record crowd of nearly 950 sentients, setting a new all-time record! Rumor has it that they are donating leaves as a reward for attending!
Year 25 Day 173: BREAKING: Astronomers have measured the changes in Gasteroid's velocity and course. The probability of a collision with Ord Mantell or one of its moons - Geod'n, Diamxi or Quantxi - is considered high. Authorities are not urging an evacuation yet...
Year 25 Day 172: After widespread accusations of corruption by Rebel Alliance in Clak'dor VI Remnants's elections, it is unclear who is the rightful leader of the world's government.
Year 25 Day 172: BREAKING: Astronomers are reporting to the Galactic Science Committee that the moon Gasteroid in the Bright Jewel System seems to be moving. Stay tuned for more updates!
Year 25 Day 172: Officials are receiving reports of tremors, gravitational anomalies and sinkholes from all over Gasteroid. Residents of Gasteroid note that they feel heavier and that walking anywhere takes significantly more effort than before. Scientists are researching these anomalies...
Year 25 Day 171: Authorities have declared a state of emergency on Gasteroid, setting up a blood drive in the Infested Research Centre and asking ANYONE who hasn't donated a sample of their blood to do so.