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Hutt Cartel

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 24 Day 111
Leader: Xyre Vindictus
Second In Command: Hondo Walker
Recruitment Liaisons: Ximo Jobal, Akasha Ru Tauk
Forum: Faction Forum

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Long has the Hutt Cartel risen and fallen at the hands of lesser species who sought to wield its strength. Among them were Hutts Tobba and Voragga Zuuma Ajurr, also known as "Vorraga the Hutt," who made careers of intimidating weaker species until their own mortality came into question. After them, the Hutt Cartel was passed on to a series of non-Hutt Majordomos, including Quan Wain, Feth Ophoxi, and Azalus Outmian, each of whom hired only the most incompetent members and employed the most inefficient tactics.

Eventually, in the early year 20s, a young and ambitious Hutt named Burgga Kostijic Mafa managed to accomplish what none before him had been able to do and ended the Cartel's existence. He united overseers from afar, earning a place of respect in the hearts of all those on Nal Hutta for bringing back true rulership under his banner, the Hutt Clan. However, Mafa's arrogance caused him to cross the Zann Consortium, the largest crime syndicate in galaxy. A mistake which caused him to be turned into a "Huttsicle".  All the delusional leader's assets and manpower he had obtained making him a powerhouse in the Outer Rim, were seized by the Consortium, and the Hutt Clan began to quickly fade into obscurity.

Until some of Zann's most infamous desperados, including its leader, decided it was time to leave the syndicate behind and re-write history with a new vision for the outfit setting a precedent for the future.


So now, revitalized under the guidance of Ximaro Jix, the Dragon Head, Hondo Walker, Greyson Abrams, and Zane Apex, a new Cartel has formed. The outfit thriving better than any Hutt could have ever imagined. All the while they hold a trophy of Burgga Mafa cryogenically frozen, and mock those who have come before them, by keeping the word "Hutt" in their crew name to spite its history and the Hutt Grand Council which still exists. 

With this significant transformation the outfit has earned the nick name, the "Cold Blooded Kadijic." A name deriving from the four leaders ruthless efficiency and the repitilian blood flowing through some of the leaders veins. 

So, if you believe that there is no joy better than breaking into something and taking it. Maybe, slaving / killing makes no difference to you long as you are having fun and getting paid doing it. If you don't see a difference between piracy and banditry, because they're robbers the same. You might be right for for this ring of cutthroats and raiders. We have opportunities for contract mercenaries, bounty hunters, slicers, smugglers, and just about anything else that draws profit and is criminal in nature, with the exception of scamming. 

So, whatever your interest even if it's something strange like, "Beast Tamer", just contact Con Lorda, Akasha Ra Tauk, Daimyo, Ximo Jobal, or Guild Master, Hondo Walker and they'll see if you're outlaw or scoundrel enough to be  "Our kind of scum" .


Faction Paramilitary Planetary Control Trading Diplomacy Datacards

Datacards Owned:
Items Weapons Facilities Stations
Ryll Patch
Death Stick
Bacta Ryfill
Poison Vial
Ship Parts
Sub-Space Radio
Sequencer Charge
Frame Charge
Training Academy
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Golan Laser Battery
Computer Control Centre
Crew Quarters
Slave Market
Labour Camp
Civic Centre
Commerce Centre
Asteroid Hideout
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Merchant Space Dock
Trading I
Trading II