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Life and Death

The amount of HP that a character and NPCs have is dependent on several factors. These factors are listed below:

  • Strength Skill: The strength skill of the entity.
  • Race Multiplier: Given in the rules.
  • XP Level: The XP level of the entity.

The amount will be corrected according to the race multiplier, rounded up to the nearest whole number.

The equations for HP of characters and NPCs are as follows:

  1. Upon creating a character and levelling up a character or npc:
    HP = round((35 * Race Multiplier) + (2 * XP Level * (Strength + Race Multiplier)) + Strength * 10)
  2. When you increase one of the above skills, you immediately get the HP bonus.
A level 10 Human with 3 in Strength has Max HP of:
= round((35 * Race Multiplier) + (2 * XP Level * (Strength + Race Multiplier)) + Strength * 10)
= round((35 * 1.0) + (2 * 10 * (3 + 1.0)) + 3 * 10)
= 145

A level 5 Abyssin with 4 in Strength has a Max HP of:
= round((35 * Race Multiplier) + (2 * XP Level * (Strength + Race Multiplier)) + Strength * 10)
= round((35 * 2.5) + (2 * 5 * (4 + 2.5)) + 4 * 10)
= 193

The amount of HP that a creature has is dependent on several factors. These factors are listed below:

  • Base HP: Given in the rules.
  • XP Level: The XP level of the entity.

Creatures use a different equation for HP. This equation is as follows:

HP = BaseHP + (XP Level * 0.10 * BaseHP)
% of Max HP Status
-10 Dead
-9 Unconscious
1 Badly Wounded
41 Wounded
76 Slightly Wounded
100 Unharmed

If you are conscious (HP > 0), you naturally regain HP without visiting hospitals or using other equipment via the equation:


HP Regained / day = round(Maximum HP * .1)

If you are unconscious, then your body is totally unable to regain any HP and other medical methods will need to be applied. Any player can add an unconscious player to their party, and a Bacta Tank can be used to heal them above 0 HP.

Two variables track your character's progress in the game, called LEVEL and EXPERIENCE. All new characters start at LEVEL = 1 and EXPERIENCE = 0. Experience points will be earned by performing usual actions like moving, travelling, construction, etc. The XP bar in the right hand menu represents your character's progression to the next XP level. As a player increases in EXPERIENCE, the LEVEL is increased according to the following table:


1 0
2 1000
3 3000
4 6000
5 10000
6 15000
7 21000
8 28000
... ...
n 1000 x (n-1) x n / 2

Levels above 8 are handled using the same pattern (refer to the formula for level n). With each increase in level, (2 * (Strength + Race Multiplier)) points are added to the character's HP.

When you go up through levels, you will get more chances to become Force-sensitive. On levels 6, 11, 16, etc., you will get a chance to get the Force based on your Race Force Probability (RFP):

Total Probability to become Force-Sensitive at Level X = RFP + ((X - 1) / 5) * (RFP / 2)

Gand RFP = 6%

At level 6, total RFP = 6 + ((6 - 1) / 5) * (6 / 2) = 9%

At level 11, total RFP = 6 + ((11 - 1) / 5) * (6 / 2) = 12%

Also, characters gain an additional unassigned skill point with each level. Using these points, you will be able to improve your skills and upgrade your character.

Each time you reach your next XP level, your HP is automatically re-calculated and reset to its maximum.

When a character reaches 1 HP by any means, they are stunned for a limited time. They will recover but in the meantime they are unable to move, fight, or manage most actions.

The stun timer will act as a fire delay just as ground combat (see ground combat rules for more details). The delay is 10 hours.

Stunned characters can have the stun effect removed by another character using a Stimpack item on them.

Characters below level 3 are immune to being stunned.

  • Characters with XP level 1 are purged after 9 months of inactivity.
  • Aborting a hyperspace jump and emerging from hyperspace directly into a star.
  • Flying directly into a sun or through a black hole.
  • Your HP falls to -10 or below (i.e. you are dead):
    • At zero, you drop into unconsciousness, and at -10, you are dead.
    • At zero, your ability to perform actions is severed, but you can have healing done until you are at -10.
    • At -11, the only interaction you could probably have with other people is when they loot your body.
  • The -10 limit is for all players, regardless of their HP.

After death you must wait 3 weeks before being able to rejoin as a playing character. During the "death wait", the only Darkness abilities available will be to view CPs and send DMs. After three weeks when you login to Darkness or the members page a 'change name' box will prompt to select a new name. The name of a dead character will not be reusable, so a new character name will have to be selected.

4.2.1/ What happens to your assets?

  • When a character dies, all equipped items drop to the ground at that position.
  • Any credits owned by the dead character are deleted.
  • Ships:
    • If there is a pilot assigned, are sent to the pilot (pilot field)
    • If there is a commander assigned, are sent to the commander (commander field)
    • Are sent to the market.
  • Vehicles:
    • If there is a pilot assigned, are sent to the pilot (pilot field)
    • If there is a commander assigned, are sent to the commander (commander field)
    • Are sent to the market.
  • Stations:
    • If there is a operator assigned, are sent to the operator (pilot field)
    • If there is a commander assigned, are sent to the commander (commander field)
    • Are sent to the market.
  • Facilities:
    • If there is a operator assigned, are sent to the operator (pilot field)
    • If there is a manager assigned, are sent to the manager (commander field)
    • Are sent to the market.
  • Items:
    • If the item is equipped by a character, are sent to the character
    • If there is a carrier assigned, are sent to the carrier (pilot field)
    • If there is a quartermaster assigned, are sent to the quartermaster (commander field)
    • Are made claimable (NPC Owner)
  • Droids:
    • If there is a supervisor assigned, are sent to the supervisor (pilot field)
    • If there is a manager assigned, are sent to the manager (commander field)
    • Are sent to the market.
  • Creatures:
    • If there is a master assigned, are sent to the master (pilot field)
    • If there is a handler assigned, are sent to the handler (commander field)
    • Are deleted.
  • NPCs:
    • If there is a supervisor assigned, are sent to the supervisor (pilot field)
    • If there is a manager assigned, are sent to the manager (commander field)
    • Are fired.
  • Cities:
    • Are sent to the market.
  • Raw Materials:
    • Are transferred to the owner of the entity in which they are contained (if faction or character owned).
    • Are sent to the market.
  • Any assets that are sent to the market will show up after a random delay between 7 and 31 days for each asset.
  • Owned Stocks are transferred to the faction leader.
  • If a character dies in an explosion, such as flying into a sun or by exiting hyperspace, then everything on board the entity is destroyed.
  • Entities assigned to the dead character but owned by another party remain the property of their owners.
  • If a faction leader dies, leadership of his faction will be transferred to the Second In Command (2IC). If there is no 2IC, it is transferred to the faction member who has the next highest privileges rating, determined by the sum of the levels in the member administration, finance, and privilege categories. If there is more than one person with the most privileges, one is randomly selected.
  • If a faction owner dies then his faction ownership (or stocks) will be transferred to the faction leader.

The "recruitment liaison" is not the third in command of a faction and leadership of the faction will fall as described above.

4.2.2/ What happens to your body?

  • The body will disappear after 3 weeks.
  • A Trophy Ear can be taken from a body with any Slashing Weapon.

Upon character death (or dropping your character), you can immediately create a new character. This new character has restricted game features for 3 weeks after your characters death (called the respawn period).

The following restrictions apply:

  • Your character is restricted to stay within the tutorial system.
  • Your character cannot receive credits or be assigned assets from other players.
  • Your character can not join a faction until the respawn period expires.

During the respawn period you may:

  • Explore the tutorial world and complete the tutorial, and use any features available as part of the tutorial world.
  • Earn XP within the tutorial world.

4.3.1/ What happens to your Items

Since your new character has no relation to your old character (the server does not recognize family relations, even if you choose to roleplay as the family member of your old character), your old character's assets cannot be returned to you. You are not allowed to make a will of any sort that would result in your new character getting your old character's items. However, you can purchase your assets back from characters at the current market price. Furthermore, you are not allowed to reclaim a server-defined faction related position (leader or 2ic), or to be given the title or responsibility of those roles, although you are permitted to rejoin your previous faction. Violations of the these rules will be punished on a case-by-case basis by the Star Wars Combine Administration.