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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Zadaria
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The planet Zadaria has only been settled for around 85 standard years and is mostly developed. The population of the planet is vast and most of the inhabitants live on farms who make a living from exporting the things they grow to other planets in the Hapes Cluster. Ever since it was colonized, the planet has been under the governance of House Tylger.

The planet is small but beautiful and described by many as one of the most precious worlds in the Hapes Cluster. Most of the planet was nothing but endless lush fields and grassland with an occasional minor forest. An ocean covers the equator almost all the way around. The northern and southern continents connect only at two points. The northern continent is named "Vësator" and the southern "Kiator". Both continents are basically identical apart from the mountains called "Xalix" on the southern continent. Frequent sunshine is common on Zadaria, though the occasional shower of rain occurs, keeping the landscaping lush and green all year round. There is no ice on Zadaria and the only snow that the planet sees is in the southern mountains.

The planet had rich wildlife consisting of mostly herbivores. A few carnivore species were once found, but the animals were loners and few every strayed from their caves in the Xalix mountains except to catch food. Therefore the herbivore species had continued to grow and many of the species were kept as livestock by the population.

The ecumenopolis was built to accommodate the ruling nobles as well as guests and tourists. It is equipped with modern facilities to suit their needs and the local population enjoys the benefits.

The years on Zadaria are 1068 days long as the planet follows a long ecliptic orbit around the star of the system, and the days are only 20 hours.


  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 7x7
  • Total: 3,749,343,244 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 62.2500%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile