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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Wayland I
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On Wayland I can be found the ruins of a human or humanoid civilization. The civilization has mysteriously disappeared roughly three thousand years ago, there are no visible signs of disaster in the city ruins or significant warfare, so the exact reason for the disappearance has not yet been determined. The people were a low-technology civilization by today’s standards, that worshipped the destructive powers of volcanoes, which are found in the western hemisphere of this planet. Because of the Wayland system’s distance from the galactic core, only a small number of anthropological expeditions had been dispatched to Wayland I, however, many of the treasures found in its ruins were carefully recovered during the first two expeditions and transported to Obroa University in the Obroa system. These treasures are currently on permanent display at the university museum.

Today, Wayland I remains largely uninhabited and is a wildlife paradise. Wayland I boasts some of the toughest and fastest riding beasts in the galaxy. Appearing similar to horses found on Coruscant, these animals are often called Legogil Horses. The Legogil Horses can reach top land speeds of roughly sixty kilometers per hour, not exceedingly fast, though it is impressive that they can keep pacing at their top speed for hours at a time with their amazing endurance. Many biologists conclude that these horses may be a hint that the people who lived on this planet long ago may be descendants of Coruscant from long ago. This argument is supported by the similarity in the grammatical structure of the language as found on wall writings to Galactic Basic, the common language of Coruscant that had been made the basic language of the galaxy since the early days of the Galactic Republic. However, the complete lack of evidence that the ancient people had at any one point known the sciences behind space travel has been giving supporters of this Coruscant-relation theory headaches in proving this theory.

Animal life on this planet is abundant, as well as the variety of plants. Most notably, a dark green fern has been discovered that can withstand high temperatures, and the fern is often found near lava pools where no other plant life can survive. Traces of this plant are found near temples, anthropologists conclude that because of the plant's ability to withstand heat, the plant was likely considered having special healing powers or possibly holy powers. It is largely unknown what the main use of this fern was besides religious purposes.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 12x12
  • Total: 2,541,463 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 0.7400%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile