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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Dagu
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The planet Dagu (sometimes called Dagu I) is the smallest planet within the system, and has the third furthest orbit from the Dagu Sun. It is a temperate world with a large central continent called Tavora that is encased by the planet’s large oceans on its western and eastern shores and polar icecaps at its northern and southern shores. Originally, Tavora’s geography was consistent with most worlds that could be considered like Dagu. The shorelines were primarily swampy marshlands that were full of vegetation that thrived in the murky warm waters and nutrient-rich soil. It is still home to numerous types of fauna and microbes, some of which remain undocumented to this day. The terrain changed from marshes and swamps to dense tropical jungles towards the inland area. There are historic records that state some areas at the centermost point of the continent had tree canopies so thick that only carnivorous plants and parasitic vines were able to grow on the floor level. The wildlife also changed inland, giving shelter and hunting grounds to some of the planet's most dangerous and exotic animals. The northern and southern swamps were perhaps the most inhospitable due to their proximity to the polar caps, with scientific records stating that only the most stubborn and rugged of flora and fauna were able to survive there. There are still dozens of points where the ice and swamp have seemingly swallowed one another, making for a unique yet ominous sight. This has also resulted in several natural bridges forming between the caps and the central continent that allowed different species to migrate between the two.

In modern times, the once wild planet has all but been tamed. Where once colonists fought the rigors of Dagu to survive and progress, sentients from across the galaxy now live in luxury suites within skyscrapers that dwarf even the tallest recorded trees of the jungles. Where there were once several colonies living in the shadows of the Dagu jungles, there is now a single ecumenopolis that spans the entire planet with lights that can be seen from space. The evolution of Dagu since its colonization is, to say the least, dramatic and just another reminder of what intelligent life can accomplish when working together. Over the years of Dagu’s progress, many of the planet’s natural resources have been deemed exhausted or near exhaustion, which has resulted in a shift in the world’s purpose. When Dagu was no longer capable of supporting the industrial demands it once did, many of the larger corporations simply moved on to the other planets within the system, while others found a way to repurpose themselves from industry to commercial focus. This created a lucrative buyer's market for the cleared land, which eventually led to the massive residential and commercial interest that exists today.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 7x7
  • Total: 709,660,821 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 61.7100%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile