The Pentastar Alignment: Protectorate
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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Manpha
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A large, watery planet, there is only one landmass present on Manpha. The varied terrain is its main selling point, with landscapes as contrasting as desert, jungle, and volcanoes all present within several kilometers of each other. The diversity has allowed a huge abundance of flora and fauna to evolve and several species have been taken offworld to propagate other environments.

As is usual for a planet in the same sort of position as Manpha, there are several ice caps at the poles. However, unlike some other planets, these are just ice sheets floating on the surface of the ocean with no landmass below to stabilize it. This means that the caps tend to drift and fragment, which causes occasional disruptions to the ocean currents that can then affect changes in weather patterns. The planet's colonists have adapted to the quixotic climate, however, and much of their society is structured around these frequent changes.

Another curious point of Manpha is the volcanic streams that run through the oceans. Pressure from the planet's core pushes the lava up through the crust and over centuries have formed volcanic islands. Though currently too dangerous to inhabit, it is estimated that in a few decades or so these regions should be safe enough to live on.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 13x13
  • Total: 275,900,529 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 7.0900%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile