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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Torque
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Torque is the historic sector capital of the Gordian Reach. While it was once a planet of vast stretches of wild jungle land bisected by an equatorial ocean, today the planet is a lively ecumenopolis harbouring billions of citizens from all walks of life. The world’s position along the Junction-Tierell Loop makes it a prime commercial hub within the Gordian Reach. At the same time, its spaceports are known for being some of the busiest along the aforementioned hyperspace lane. Yet, despite being a sector capital, the planet has a largely industrial aura to it, as the usual glitter and glamour that most city-worlds are famous for is only sparsely visible on Torque.

Historic records indicate that the planet was settled by Humans venturing deep into the Gordian Reach sometime during or after the rise and fall of Xim the Despot’s empire, which ruled over this part of the galaxy roughly 25,000 years ago. Over time, the initial settlements grew into busy spaceports that brought in wealth and trade from across the galaxy through the Junction-Tierell Loop. This allowed the citizens of Torque to develop their world into the sector capital of the Gordian Reach. As the sector bordered the ancient Sith Empire, its worlds regularly fell under the sway of the Sith over the course of history, Torque included. These influences can still be faintly perceived in the architecture of the planet or within its customs and traditions that historians have speculated to be Sith in origin.

Some less reputable scholars argue that it was the faint influence of the ancient Sith that drove Torque and the Gordian Reach to secede from the Republic during the Clone Wars and align themselves with the first Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, its proximity to former Separatist heart-worlds like Serenno is a much more plausible explanation for its alignment during the war. As of this day, the Counts of Serenno hold sway over the sector capital of the Gordian Reach and the local interstellar government they formed within this part of the galaxy.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 16x16
  • Total: 24,043,066,605 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 40.9900%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile