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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Rychel III
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Rychel III presents a stark and contrasting landscape. Divided between ice-covered regions and rocky craters, the planet's inhospitable environment necessitates certain precautions for its substantial population.

Approximately half of Rychel III's surface is covered in ice, creating a frozen expanse that stretches across vast regions. These icy landscapes are characterised by frigid temperatures and treacherous terrain. The ice formations vary in size and shape, ranging from massive glaciers to intricate ice formations sculpted by natural forces over time. The other half of Rychel III's surface is dominated by rocky plains and deep craters, creating a stark contrast to the icy regions. These regions result from past geological activities, such as meteorite impacts or geological erosion, but curiously not volcanic or tectonic activity. The rocky terrain is rugged and uneven, presenting challenges to ground-based navigation.

Rychel III lacks a significant atmosphere, resulting in the environment of the planet existing substantially in a vacuum. The absence of air pressure and a breathable atmosphere necessitates the use of vacuum protective gear for all sentient species when venturing outside controlled environments. Environmental suits equipped with life support systems are essential to provide breathable air, temperature regulation, and protection against vacuum conditions.

Despite the inhospitable environment, Rychel III supports a considerable population. The ecumenopolis, or planet-wide city, provides controlled and pressurised environments within the cityscape, enabling the population to live, work, and interact comfortably without the need for environmental suits when within developed areas. These pressurised structures ensure breathable air, temperature regulation, and protection against the vacuum conditions of the planet.

Given the challenging nature of Rychel III's environment, resource management plays a crucial role in sustaining the population without significant importation of essential resources. City districts employ advanced technologies to ensure efficient use of available resources, such as energy generation, water recycling, and hydroponic farming for food production. Recycling and waste management systems are also vital to minimising resource consumption and maintaining a sustainable living environment.

Rychel III has a complex governance structure to manage the needs of its vast population and ensure the smooth functioning of the planetary city. The planetary authorities are a combination of corporate interests representing the planet’s economic endeavours and highly skilled professionals, scientists, and engineers, making key decisions based on expertise and scientific knowledge. While both elected and appointed government officials also exist, their views are often sidelined by these dominant factions.

  • Type: Cold/no Atmosphere
  • Size: 8x8
  • Total: 1,542,351,763 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 27.7000%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile