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Galactic Empire: Ministry of Interior

Type: Modular
Subfaction of: Galactic Empire
Founded On: Year 24 Day 353
Leader: Jai Meridan
Chat: Discord Invite


The Galactic Empire requires a constant stream of fit, capable, intelligent, and eager young men and women to reinforce its ranks as the New Order continues to spread across the galaxy. Offering unparalleled career choices and training, a career in the Empire is one of the most challenging and rewarding paths that a sentient could take in their life. For those people sharing the primary ethos of service to the galaxy, discipline, professionalism, and a stalwart belief in the rule of law and justice, the ranks of the Empire quickly becomes a home and way of life with limitless possibilities.


Joining the Galactic Empire is a relatively simple process that includes a background check by the Imperial Security Bureau whenever an application is received. This background check compares applicants against known intelligence surrounding associations and any information on previous activities and affiliations. Upon clearance for service within the Empire, recruits are sent to the Imperial Academy to undergo Basic Training. This initial training teaches the essential service skills and knowledge needed to serve as an Imperial and also prepares a Recruit for specialized branch training. Basic skills such as piloting is taught to Recruits and courses are offered on Imperial history, Imperial duty and ethos and how the enormous Empire functions. Successful completion of Basic Training will result in a Recruit being comissioned as officer and given a choice of which branch they wish to serve His Majesty. They will then be assigned to their first unit and will embark upon their career as an Imperial Officer.

Please Note: Due to physical and psychological limitations, some species will be restricted to service within particular branches or roles. Any questions regarding service options and limitations should be discussed with a representative of the Imperial Centre for Recruitment (ICR).


The Galactic Empire is a constitutional monarchy led by Emperor Meridan I. Stretching from the deep core to the outer rim, it is the largest government to have ever existed within the galaxy. Founded by Emperor Hiram Drayson of the COMPNOR political party in Year -3 after sweeping to power in galaxy-wide elections, its might is unsurpassed in the history of the known universe. The COMPNOR party's campaign was based on the platform of seeking a strong solution to address the collapse of law, order, and justice under the corrupt and ineffective governance of the Republic. Emperor Drayson enacted a massive overhaul of the political apparatus that had seen the decay of the Republic, and the New Order was quickly established as a successive government united under a single vision to ensure the spread of a stable and economically prosperous government to all corners of the galaxy.

Although it achieved the majority power in the old senate, special interest groups within the failed Republic refused to give up their ongoing self-interested manipulation of politics. Most of these insidious detractors were non-human senators who saw the ongoing and remarkable talents of human prosperity as a threat to their own worlds and outdated business models which had resulted in their species struggling to compete with human achievements. As the New Order introduced new legislation that began to lay the foundation of an open, efficient, fair, and cost-effective government, small pockets of political resistance began to emerge as special interest groups sought to maintain the status quo in an attempt to safeguard their own private interests.

Ongoing political resistance quickly turned into armed assault and terrorist attacks upon the COMPNOR-led federal government of the Galactic Empire, resulting in the civil war that continues to rage across the galaxy to this day. The New Order, driven by an ethical imperative to see an end to the violence and suppression of trillions of sentients, continues to fight against forces of corruption and evil rife in the Galaxy. Whether in the guise of the despotic and incompetent Galactic Alliance, self-serving semi-religious mercenary splinter groups, or criminal organizations ruling territory carved from the Republic's collapse, the Galactic Empire will conquer any seemingly insurmountable odds as it marches towards its goal of bringing an age of peace and prosperity for all.

The Galactic Empire is a government with a strong attitude of professionalism and merit-based advancement throughout its large and complex structure. With an enormous mandate to govern vast swathes of territory and to provide good governance, proper legislation and protection of its people, the Empire is composed of six branches which each have their own distinct functions and role within the government. These branches are as follows:

  • Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR) is the primary political party of the regime, and is responsible for managing the federal legislature, culture, education, transport, and industrial capabilities of the Empire. COMPNOR maintains a series of governmental port-folios each led by a Secretary to oversee the management of federal departments and implementation of key projects.
  • Regional Government (RGov) is the territorial administration branch and is responsible for the direct governance of Imperial worlds and territory, as well as localised legislation within the confines of federal law. Regional Government is divided into geographical groupings known as Imperial Sectors, which each are responsible for the cultural, economic, and social undertakings of their regions.
  • Imperial Navy (IN) is the space warfare branch, and is responsible for the protection of Imperial territory, assets, and interests, from threats of internal or external origin. The Imperial Navy is divided into a series of Fleets which are assigned to either provide ongoing protection to a particular Imperial Sector, or assigned to other duties such as defending the Imperial Union, or special operations.
  • Imperial Army (IA) is the ground warfare branch, and is responsible for the protection of Imperial territory, assets, and interests, from threats of internal or external origin. The Imperial Army is divided into a series of Legions which are assigned to either provide ongoing protection to a particular Imperial Sector, or assigned to other duties such as defending the Imperial Union, or special operations.
  • Imperial Intelligence (II) is a highly specialised civilian branch, responsible for the identification, analysis and mitigation of threats to the Galactic Empire originating from external sources. Imperial Intelligence's chief duty is to analyse strategic, operational, and tactical data streams through a variety of methods to advise the Galactic Empire on perceived and actual threats and opportunities.
  • Order of the Sith (OoS) is an ancient organisation that has been incorporated into the Empire as a civilian branch, and is responsible for the enforcement and management of legislation pertaining to the force. Highly secretive, the Order of the Sith seeks to prevent a repeat of the enslavement the galaxy endured under the insidious Jedi Order or any other religious cult.

Directed from on high by His Majesty, the day to day operations and activities of the Empire is managed by the Imperial High Command. The High Command is composed of the most senior commanders of each of the branches of government, each of the Governors assigned to govern the Imperial Regions and Oversectors in the name of the Emperor, all Grand Admirals and Grand Generals, and additional officials with Empire-wide remits.


Faction Government Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Subfaction Planetary Control Religion Information Trading Medical Mining Manufacturing Paramilitary Datacards Diplomacy

Datacards Owned:
Facilities Stations
Golan Laser Battery
Anti-Air Battery
Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
Civic Centre
KDY v-150 Planet Defender
LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
LNR II Series Turbo Laser Cannon
Shield Generator
Training Academy
Shield Projector
Slave Market
SAM Launcher
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Computer Control Centre
Research Centre
Labour Camp
Wildlife Preserve
Commerce Centre
Crew Quarters
Alazhi Farm
Bacta Refinement Facility
Recycling Plant
Platform XQ1
Ataturk-class Station
Golan I
Golan II
Merchant Space Dock
Relay Station
Zoo Station
Trading I
Trading II
Asteroid Hideout
Medical Factory Station
Hospital Platform XQ-2
X7 Factory Station
Recycling I
Recycling II
Recycling III
Recycling IV
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I