::Blue Sabre Federation Careers::
Blue Sabre Federation is a proud Federation of the planets in the Tolonda Sector. Their history is a proud one filled with many years of strife and dedication that continues on today and beyond! The Federation has many need for anyone looking to make a difference in the galaxy, from piloting X-wings to flying Bulk Freighters or even our large Capital Defense Ships the mighty MC-80a Star Cruisers. Members are paid weekly anywhere from 4M and up depending on their skill levels and dedication to the group. BSF is always looking for members in every field and aspect, from surveying, building and running mining, to demolition and construction and production fields. There are many more opportunities within the group so just apply today!!!!

::About Blue Sabre Federation::
The Federation is comprised of three systems (Tamra, Oshora and Krmar) within its territory of Tolonda. Tamra is the Capital System. Located here, can be seen many shipyards and space factories that help produce daily goods for the Federation. The Oshora system has slowly expanded to allow new production lines in this system and is currently being developed to fulfill the government’s needs. Krmar system is currently a contested system but is still recognized as Federation Territory.
The Federation is composed of three Branches, Executive, Military, Interior:
Executive Branch is made up of High Command Officials and is lead by 2IC Starenska Eyona.
Military Branch is made up of the 1st and 2nd Federation Fleets and works on daily tasks and defenses of Tolonda.
Interior Branch works in productions/construction mining and other tasks not covered by the Military and also works with our Nationalized groups and Allies.
::Ministry of Interior::
The Federation Recognizes the following groups as Nationalized and under the Federations Protection:
Silviut Corporation