The Menagerie is an independent interplanetary alliance of groups from all galactic social statri. From within this coalition an official representative is elected from within one of the five groups to serve as their Magistrate upon the six member governmental body otherwise known as the Jabiimi Council. The Governor holds the sixth seat of the Council from where he acts as a middle between the Magistrates political agenda and debates.
Operating deep within the north-eastern Outer Rim territories, the government has collectively decided to flex some luxurious industrial muscle and offer the Jabiimite style of goods along with its finest medical assistance to the galactic community. Following the motto "Through unity we shall prevail", they apply this attitude in their everyday lives for the greater good of all citizens of the collective.
The Menagerie is neutral and free of conflict and political strife by design. It serves as a beacon for all sentients to be able enjoy all the wonderful things the galaxy has to offer within a friendly and safe community, that otherwise would be hard to achieve alone. The cooperative government consists of the following five partner organizations.
The Jabiim Consortium: The Consortium is a planetwide alliance of citizenry from all galactic walks of life and races. From within this nation-state an official representative is elected from within one of the four local territories to serve as their magistrate upon the five member governmental body otherwise known as The Jabiimi Council. The planetary governor holds the fifth seat on the Council and he elects a member to serve as his Regent in merchant-business affairs, while he handles the political spectrum.
The Order of Scitrok stands as the passionate guardians of our state religion, imbued with a sacred duty to uphold the cherished national religious sites of the Menagerie. With fervor in their hearts, they tirelessly coordinate and facilitate the movement of jabiimite and other invaluable goods across the farthest reaches of the cosmos. This noble endeavor empowers the skilled spacefaring warrior-monks to share their profound beliefs and gather cherished donations through their unwavering commitment and determination. Under the wise and inspiring leadership of the Grandmaster, the Hocholu, Antigon Whistler, they have emerged as a revered and resolute logistical force. Dressed in deep purple robes that flow like the cosmos itself, they carry with them not only their articles of faith but also the weight of their mission, forever leaving an indelible mark on the stars they traverse.
Their most notable religious influences blossomed from profound studies with the Scitrok, the Grey Paladins, the Matukai, the Var Kelen, and the H'kig. Once they forged their tenets into a cohesive form, they felt a deep responsibility to share their newfound wisdom with others. Their training embodied a beautiful blend of meditative martial arts, rigorous physical training, and the art of craftsmanship. Emphasizing the sanctity of the body as a focal point, they instilled the importance of maintaining cleanliness and strength, purifying oneself through dedicated exercise and labor, and striving for balance in all aspects of life. Upon completing their initial training, they humbly offered their skills to anyone willing to pay, in order to support and sustain their cherished monasteries.
Articles of Faith:
- Honor is the Sword, symbolizing the noble duty to defend and protect the needy and marginalized, to uphold righteousness and champion the freedom of expression.
- Respect is embodied by a flight-mask, representing the pursuit of knowledge. To truly understand the galaxy and the myriad sentients that inhabit it, one must embark on a journey of education. Genuine respect cannot blossom for that which remains shrouded in ignorance.
- Compassion is depicted by the cloak, illustrating the essential practice of aiding others. Supporting those in need forms the very backbone of a warrior’s calling; without this noble pursuit, a Scitrok embraces little purpose.
- Tenacity is represented by the Warden's neck chain, with each loop symbolizing a distinct virtue.
The rigorous mental discipline and unwavering obedience ingrained in their training rendered the Scitrok less vulnerable to the intense emotions that might lure third-eye students toward the dark side. Yet, while they steered clear of the dark side, the Scitrok were not entirely bound by the light; they placed the mandates of the Order above all else.
They recognized that the Force wove itself through all aspects of existence, granting vitality to everything around them. In this context, they understood that no sentient could be any more independent of the Force than they could from nourishment, air, or sleep. The Force served not merely as a tool to be wielded, but as an integral influence that shaped their everyday lives. They embraced the concept of the Force not as a crutch, but rather asserted that skills should be cultivated with minimal reliance on it, thus allowing the will of the Force to flow freely through their actions. This philosophy led them to hone skills and techniques that did not directly draw from the Force, but instead opened pathways for the Force to elevate their existing abilities.
Nilgaard Mercantile Guild: This trade-offspring of the outer rim communal government known as The Menagerie, is rooted intricately with the services offered by its family of organizations. Their founder, a man of faith, and a jack-of-all-trades, who is a stalwart businessman. He credits the initial development of numerous business ventures and contracts to his brethren, the monks of the Order of Scitrok. Who help market and promote intragalactic trade, economic growth, and technological advancement of various Menagerie products.
Tradekus Ring is the primary trading headquarters for the Guild and command post for the Director of Commerce where he directs the affairs of the organization. The Protectorate Division serves, protects and provides security for the Guild and its assets. Always recognizable by their purple armor and unique helmets. Select officers are chosen to join the ranks of the much more discreet operations of the special Fiduciary Committee. They have free reign to operate wherever the Director of Commerce needs them within The Menagerie or even outside their official borders. These agents are just as skilled with a blaster as they are with an abacus.
Cin'Tsad'Uliik: Once, this proud mandalorian clan bore the name of the Trade Spine League, a title rich with recent history but also laden with the weight of the past. After impassioned discussions, they made a bold and courageous choice to shed all former identities, yearning to be recognized solely by their mando’a name, a tribute to the illustrious house of their founder. This clan stands as a beacon of strength and resilience, taking on crucial military responsibilities that are vital in safeguarding and nurturing the security and stability of their beloved government. Their unwavering commitment revolves around the pillars of intelligence, steadfast defense, and a spirit of cooperative policing alongside the Fiduciary Agents and the newly invigorated Menagerie Defense Force.
The Ring of Kafrene stands as a beacon of industrious ambition, governed by the extraordinary Lady Gwenedith of House Ordos, a Devaronian princess whose brilliance shines as brightly as her razor-sharp mind, attuned like a great weapon. With an innovative spirit that defies convention, she leads an organization dedicated to unearthing the rich tapestry of our past. Their passionate pursuit of archaeological and anthropological treasures transcends mere excavation; they are guardians of ancient secrets and obscure wisdom and objects, fervently preserving and cataloging knowledge that could light the way to a brighter future, both within and beyond the reaches of government territory.