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Sienar Technologies

Type: Modular
Founded On: Year 5 Day 176
Leader: William Colonel
Second In Command: Jaydon TaVolarian
Recruitment Liaisons: Jaydon TaVolarian, Drey Exodus
Chat: Discord Invite

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Sienar Technologies is one of the preeminent manufacturers of survival gear, armor and technology in the galaxy today. Founded originally by the famed Sienar family, Technologies has been around for many centuries. The company originally flourished on the industrial world of Lianna, nearly a century before the Emperor’s New Order gained power. The Sienar family, who traced their roots back to the original designers of the warships favored by Empress Teta during the Unification Wars, provided a great many starships for the Galactic Republic for many millennia. During the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire and New Order, Sienar Technologies took its place as a premiere technology company, as demand for new advances in tech and equipment grew throughout the galaxy.
The former Brigadier General Chiss Veers bought majority control of Sienar Technologies looking to make a profit with their close combat and ground warfare division, specially personal armour. Using his personal experience on the field of battle, he started to design new suits of armour more resilient to damage and freedom in movement. Once the profit margin out weighed the rest of the other subsidiaries profits, he sold off a few of the branches and concentrated all the company assets on designing and building personal armour for the soldiers and private citizens throughout the galaxy.
Today, Drey Exodus continues the traditions of Sienar Technologies. His continuing goal is to move the company toward a brighter future by providing the best possible technology to a vast variety of sentient beings around the galaxy. Under Exodus, Sienar Technologies has experienced major growth and expansion, and Sienar Technologies continues to flourish under his leadership.
Sienar Technologies goal is to offer the best products and service in the galaxy.
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Faction Manufacturing Datacards Diplomacy Trading

Datacards Owned:
Ships Droids Items Weapons Facilities Stations
Raider-class Missile Corvette
Toscan 8-Q Starfighter
FN-D0 Assassin Droid
Bacta Ryfill
Death Stick
Ryll Patch
Riot Shield
Slave Collar
Standard Flight Suit
Tracking Device
Corellian Powersuit Armour
Corellian Powersuit Helmet
Electronic Lock Breaker
Thermal Survival Helmet
Thermal Survival Suit
Standard Flight Mask
Poison Vial
HSB-200 hold-out blaster pistol
Dry Dock
Naval Shipyard
Research Centre
Civic Centre
Commerce Centre
Slave Market
Crew Quarters
Trading I
X7 Factory Station
Shipyard II
Shipyard III
Shipyard IV
Shipyard I
Merchant Space Dock
Depot Station II
Depot Station III
Depot Station IV
Trading II
Asteroid Hideout