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Gate (1x1)

For the citizens of cities in the secure and long-civilised Core Worlds and Inner Rim, city gates tend to be archaic, decorative structures, often located nowhere near the edge of current cities – places where tourists go to take holopics and where locals pass by quickly and without paying much attention. Here, the "gate” typically consists of an open portal set into an ornate, and beautiful, but non-functional structure, oft-times also dedicated to the city’s founding fathers or commemorating days of long ago where these rugged pioneers relied on the strength of the gate to keep out marauders or hostile creatures. These monuments are seldom if ever connected to the remnants of the walls that may have surrounded the city in those bygone days.

For cities in less secure areas, city gates are another thing altogether. Here the gates form a key part of a city’s defensive fortifications. Instead of a non-sealable portal, the gatehouse will incorporate a heavy barrier of some form, either one or more massive sets of steel doors, a portcullis, or a combination of the two. An energy shield will sometimes be incorporated into the gate’s defences and the gatehouse will be protected by multiple weapon emplacements. No matter how strong the gate, it is the weakest point in the city’s curtain wall, and thus must have the highest concentration of defences.

Raw Materials
  • Quantum: 7
  • Meleenium: 41
  • Rudic: 15
  • Duracrete: 13
  • Lommite: 11
  • Available to all
  • Size: 1x1
  • Flats: 0
  • Jobs: 2.0
  • Power: -1
  • Weight: 747 T
  • Volume: 338 m³
Cargo Capacity
  • Volume Cap: 150 m³
  • Max Passengers: 4
  • None
  • Hull: 1,000
  • Deflectors: 0
  • Ionic Capacity: 1,000
  • Armour: 0
  • Sensors: 1
  • ECM: 0
  • None
  • Raw Value: 18,990 CR
  • Recycling XP: 20 XP

Floor: Ground

Floor: Ground
Room Entrance/Exit Overlay Door
Room Command Room Overlay Door