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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170

Squads allow for indirect control over additional ground units. Squads may contain up to 12 slots worth of NPCs, Droids, and/or Creatures. The number of squads a player can control is determined by their Infantry Command skill.


Number of Ground Squads Controlled: Infantry Command Skill + 1


Ships and vehicles cannot form indirectly-controlled squads at this time. They can, however, be added to a squadron with the player-controlled ship or vehicle.

Squads can be created through the party interface or the squadron interface for ships or vehicles.

The following entities may be used to create a squad:

  • NPCs and Droids you are the supervisor of.
  • NPCs and Droids you are able to assign yourself the supervisor of.
  • Ships and vehicles that you own/operate/manage

If you squadron ships that you are commander of it will auto assign you as pilot and remove who ever else was pilot before.

Disbanding a squad may be done through the party interface for NPCs and through the squadron interface for ships and vehicles. Any orders issued to an NPC squad prior to the squad being disbanded will be canceled.


Changing the supervisor of an NPC squad will automatically disband the squad.

The player is able to issue commands to any NPC squad(s) under their command through the party interface.

The follow action will cause the NPC squad to start following the commanding character.

If a character boards an entity, the NPC Squad will board along with the character. If the squad is at a different location when the character boards the entity, they will attempt to reach the entity and then board if possible. However, if the character has moved to a different room, the squad will cancel following once it has boarded.

If a character starts crossing to the next terrain grid and the NPC squad is at the same location, they will move with the character. However, if they are not at the same location as the character, they will cease following.

This command requires you to be at the same location as the squad.

The guard action will cause the NPC squad to move to a commanded location and remain there indefinitely. On worlds where the Combat Beta is active, the NPC squad will engage enemy targets that attack it or move into its range.