Industrial Automaton
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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170

Datacards are the portable, mass data storage devices of the Combine. They are used to record scientific and engineering data of technology and equipment designs.

The primary use of the datacard is in manufacturing. To build anything in the Combine, a datacard containing the design of the object to be built must be assigned to the appropriate shipyard or factory along with the required raw materials. Every ship, vehicle, droid, piece of equipment, and facility will have a datacard that defines the specifications, blueprints, and processes required to manufacture them.

Manufacturing datacards are broken into three types:

  1. Restricted - These datacards are owned by a small number of groups and cannot be acquired in other ways
  2. Type-Specific - These datacards are automatically assigned to different factions upon creation and are used for core production of basic facilities, vehicles, etc., necessary to perform other in-game actions
  3. Generic - These datacards are available for purchase by production factions based on faction size as long as they don't already own any Restricted datacards. They can be sold (for no return) at any time, and a new generic datacard may be purchased to replace them.

If you get your hands on a physical datacard, you must bring it to the producing facility to use it. Once inside and holding the card, use the datacard and it will be added to that factory/station.

Multiple physical datacards which contain the same design can be merged together into a single physical datacard. Likewise, a physical datacard with multiple uses remaining can be split into two physical datacards.

If you split a physical datacard that is equipped to an item slot, the new card will be dropped on the floor. Watch out for thieves!

Make sure to keep in mind the type of entity on the card as, it can only be used inside an facility or station which can actually produce the entity on the datacard.

All uses on the physical datacard are assigned to a single factory/shipyard when used.

Production factions may purchase generic datacards from their datacard inventory. The cost of new generic datacards increases the more a faction owns.

The cost to purchase a generic datacard is calculated using the following equation:

Cost to Purchase = (Owned Slots + Slots) * 5,000,000
Owned: The number of generic datacard slots the faction already owns
Slots: The slot value of the generic datacard

The following generic datacards are available for purchase:

2.2.1/ Ships

  • Arquitens-class Light Cruiser - 3.50 slot(s)
  • Aurek-class Tactical Strikefighter - 1.50 slot(s)
  • BR-23 Courier - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Brayl-class Bulk Freighter - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Cargo Canister - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Class-A Cargo Container Mk II - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Class-C Cargo Container - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Class-E Cargo Container - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Class-I Cargo Container - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Class-J Cargo Container - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Colossal-class Heavy Carrier - 4.50 slot(s)
  • Consular-class Cruiser - 2.00 slot(s)
  • CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttle - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Escape Pod - 0.50 slot(s)
  • G-1A Starfighter - 2.00 slot(s)
  • GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat - 2.00 slot(s)
  • GR-75 Medium Transport - 2.50 slot(s)
  • H-type Yacht - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Hammerhead-class Cruiser - 3.50 slot(s)
  • I-BEAM Starfighter - 1.50 slot(s)
  • IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - 3.00 slot(s)
  • J-type 322 Starship - 2.00 slot(s)
  • J-type 327 Starship - 2.00 slot(s)
  • KRS-1 Ore Hauler - 2.50 slot(s)
  • M-class Luxury Liner - 3.50 slot(s)
  • Modular Conveyor - 3.00 slot(s)
  • Muurian Transport - 2.00 slot(s)
  • N-1 Starfighter - 1.50 slot(s)
  • Pinook-class Starfighter - 1.50 slot(s)
  • Raider-class Missile Corvette - 3.00 slot(s)
  • S40K Phoenix Hawk-class Light Pinnace - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Simiyiar-class Light Freighter - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Spacelane Diner - 2.00 slot(s)
  • Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter MkI - 1.50 slot(s)
  • Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter MkII - 1.50 slot(s)
  • T-wing Interceptor - 1.50 slot(s)
  • Toscan 8-Q Starfighter - 1.50 slot(s)
  • Vulture-class Droid Starfighter - 1.50 slot(s)
  • Zeta-class Long-Range Shuttle - 2.00 slot(s)
  • 2.2.2/ Vehicles

    2.2.3/ Items

  • Amban Sniper Rifle - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Amphibian Survival Backpack - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Amphibian Survival Mask - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Amphibian Survival Suit - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Arctic Survival Helmet - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Arctic Survival Suit - 0.50 slot(s)
  • AXM-50 - 0.50 slot(s)
  • B22 - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Bait - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Battle Axe - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Belt - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Binders - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Bryar Pistol - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Bryar Rifle - 0.50 slot(s)
  • C4-CZN - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Cape - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Clothing - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Combat Armour - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Combat Knife - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Crafting Kit - 0.50 slot(s)
  • DD6 - 0.50 slot(s)
  • DDC Defender - 0.50 slot(s)
  • DH-17 - 0.50 slot(s)
  • DL-18 - 0.50 slot(s)
  • DL-44 - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Droid Parts - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Electrostaff - 0.50 slot(s)
  • EMP Grenade - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Engineer Vest - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Flare - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Frame Charge - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Gaderffii - 0.50 slot(s)
  • GPS - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Holoprojector - 0.50 slot(s)
  • HSB-200 hold-out blaster pistol - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Jawa Ionisation Blaster - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Jetpack - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Knife - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Large Backpack - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Mace - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Patchwork Survival Suit - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Portable Power Generator - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Remote - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Restraining Bolt - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Riot Shield - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Robe - 0.50 slot(s)
  • SE-14 Blaster Pistol - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Sequencer Charge - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Ship Parts - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Slave Collar - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Small Backpack - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Staff - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Standard Flight Mask - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Standard Flight Suit - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Storage Cylinder - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Stouker Concussion Rifle - 1.00 slot(s)
  • Stun Grenade - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Sub-Space Radio - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Sword - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Tactical Helmet - 0.50 slot(s)
  • TB-1a Ionisation Blaster - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Tent - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Toolkit - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Trunk - 0.50 slot(s)
  • TTT-54 - Thumper - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Vacuum Survival Backpack - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Vacuum Survival Helmet - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Vacuum Survival Suit - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Vibroblade - 0.50 slot(s)
  • Whip - 0.50 slot(s)
  • 2.2.4/ Droids

    Datacards can have custom images purchased for them so they produce the custom image instead of the default. Once set, you have the option of turning the image on and off for production via the production menu. Both regular and large images can be set, and all images are reviewed by the art team before approval.