Chemical processing facilities are large buildings that are half factory and half laboratory. Here trained scientists work to synthesize desired chemicals and materials for industrial, medicinal, and research purposes. Because of the potentially hazardous nature of the materials, access is restricted to qualified chemists and specially trained technicians only, and many safeguards are in place to prevent contamination of the surrounding area in case of an accident. However, those living nearby are often suspicious and resentful of such a potentially dangerous facility being in close proximity to their homes and places of business.
Chemical agents are often synthesized by building them on a molecular level, combining atoms to form the correct architecture that will bond to create the desired substance. While this is usually the safest and cleanest method, not all chemicals can be reliably built from molecules, and some of the more complex compounds can only be harvested by isolation and extraction methods that inevitably produce hazardous waste. Storage and disposal of these byproducts are carefully regulated and accidents are rare, despite the exaggerated claims of activist groups.