The Mandalorian Crusaders were impressed by the ability of Jedi knights to harness unseen forces and use them unexpectedly as weapons in battle. This inspired the Taung to develop unseen abilities of their own, in the form of the Beskar Vambrace. Crafted of precious beskar alloy, these forearm guards offer superb protection as well as a number of their own hidden surprises to help level the field when encountering a Force-wielding opponent.
The bracer makes use of the intuitive tendency to protect oneself with the forearms, and its alloy construction is capable of deflecting even lightsaber blows. Integrated compartments house a broad range of technological devices, often as distinctive as the warrior who wears them, each serving to make the Mandalorian into a walking weapon. Known examples include flamethrowers, fibercord whips, shield emitters, blasters, miniature rockets, repulsors, lasers, dart launchers, and retractable vibroblades. In addition to armaments, some Beskar Vambraces also featured chain codes and holoprojectors, although concealed weaponry was always given preference.