The bongo's cockpit consists of a main bubble with enough room to seat four passengers. Flanking the cockpit are two further bubbles designed to carry cargo. These bubbles are maintained by the same principles that create the hydrostatic fields enclosing the Gungans' cities. Energy is released from a positively charged unit, located just beneath the cockpit, and then directed towards the negatively charged receivers placed beside the passenger compartment. When the hydrostatic field is activated, the bubbles are sealed, holding the air inside and the water outside. This energy field can be modified at will, but travelers new to the bongo may not be reassured to learn that only a thin film of energy separates them from the wideness of the sea and all its terrifying monsters.
Navigation controls in the craft include a basic steering yoke and throttle. Two monitors relay information gathered by the vehicle’s main sensor. Sensitive tracking sensors, meanwhile, gather data readings regarding the waters density in different underwater regions.