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Research: Components
Entities eligible to participate in R&D are comprised of two pieces. Entities start with a chassis (the entity type, such as Y-TIE or X-Wing) which contains a specific set of base stats which are unable to be changed through R&D. Within that chassis, a combination of components give the entity its stats within the bounds of the chassis' stats. The quantities of most of these components can be modified via R&D actions. Some components will not be player-modifiable, at least to start. Not all component specializations may be applicable to all entity types.
Repulsors allow an entity to land. Some entities should never be able to land, so repulsors will not be player-modifiable to start.

Hyperdrives allow an entity to travel through hyperspace. Stations cannot move, so stations cannot have hyperdrive components.
Exact component equations are hidden. The examples on this page convey the concepts, but should not be taken as the actual equations.
A chassis is the building block upon which each entity type is based. It possesses basic, unchangeable, stats such as the entity's length, abilities (eg. mining, prospecting, etc.) or room map. Additionally, it possesses the basic framework for restricting the quantity of components that can be added to the chassis. This is accomplished via power, weight and volume restrictions. These restrictions provide a framework that ensures modified variants of an entity as well as future innovations have balanced trade-offs rather than becoming overpowered.
All components that are installed in a chassis require some amount of power. A chassis has an unchangeable maximum power capacity it can support. In addition to the maximum power capacity, a chassis also has subsystem-specific power capacities. These subsystems are engine, weapons, hull and electronics.
The sum of the subsystem power capacities may exceed the overall power capacity.
The T-65 X-wing Starfighter chassis might have a maximum, overall, power capacity of 100 and engine, weapons, hull and electronics power capacities of 30. The following components may exist: hyperdrive, sublight, heavy lasers, hull, armour, and shields and might all require 1 power.

Valid Configuration - Total power usage 95/100; no subsystem exceeds the subsystem power limits
  • 15 hyperdrive = 15 engine power
  • 15 sublight = 15 engine power
  • 5 heavy laser = 5 weapons power
  • 10 hull = 10 hull power
  • 20 armor = 20 hull power
  • 30 shields = 30 electronics power
Invalid Configuration - Total power usage 100/100; however the engine subsystem is using 35/30 power
  • 20 hyperdrive = 20 engine power
  • 15 sublight = 15 engine power
  • 5 heavy laser = 5 weapons power
  • 10 hull = 10 hull power
  • 20 armor = 20 hull power
  • 30 shields = 30 electronics power
Invalid Configuration - Total power usage 115/100; no subsystem exceeds the subsystem power limits
  • 15 hyperdrive = 15 engine power
  • 15 sublight = 15 engine power
  • 25 heavy laser = 25 weapons power
  • 10 hull = 10 hull power
  • 20 armor = 20 hull power
  • 30 shields = 30 electronics power

A chassis has two types of weights and volumes, dead (unchangeable) and available (changeable). Dead weight/volume is the weight/volume of the chassis itself. This includes things like bulkheads, internal walls between rooms, etc. This cannot be modified at any point in the R&D process.

Available weight/volume refers to the weight/volume of the components that can be installed on the chassis. Depending on the combination of components installed on the chassis, this may not be fully consumed, but is still applied to the entity's total weight/volume. Regardless on the components installed, the final weight/volume of the entity remains as follows.

Total Weight = Dead Weight + Available Weight + Calculated Component Weight
Total Volume = Dead Volume + Available Volume + Calculated Component Volume
The T-65 X-wing Starfighter chassis might have a dead weight of 10T, dead volume of 15m3, available weight of 50T and available volume of 50m3. The following components may exist: hyperdrive, hull, shields and each might weight 1T and take up 1m3.

Valid Configuration - Uses 45/50T of available weight; Uses 45/50m3 of available volume; Final weight adds dead weight for a total of 60T and 65m3
  • 10 hyperdrive = 10T; 10m3
  • 15 hull = 15T; 15m3
  • 20 shields = 20T; 20m3
Invalid Configuration - Uses 55/50T of available weight; Uses 55/50m3 of available volume; Final weight adds dead weight for a total of 60T and 65m3
  • 20 hyperdrive = 20T; 20m3
  • 15 hull = 15T; 15m3
  • 20 shields = 20T; 20m3
Components round out a chassis, creating an entity. A component has a subsystem (engines, weapons, hull, electronics), specialization (eg. hyperdrive, hull, shields, etc.), a related value (hyper 6, 1 hull point, 1 shield point, etc.), and power/weight/volume requirements. These values are visible to the component owner but are not exposed to the public. Identifying these values will require either researching the component, engaging in espionage or reverse-engineering the entity.
The T-65 X-wing Starfighter rules may state that it contains a hyperdrive component, however the quantity of hyperdrive components and the stats of the component are not visible.
Additional components will be added to these lists as R&D expands to entities that require them (eg. not all weapons have components at this time)

2.1.1/ Engine Subsystem

Specialization Name Subsystem
Hyperdrive Engines
Repulsors Engines
Sublight Engines Engines

2.1.2/ Weapons Subsystem

Specialization Name Subsystem
Concussion Missile Launchers Weapons
Gravity Well Generator Weapons
Heavy Laser Weapons
Ion Batteries Weapons
Ion Cannons Weapons
NPC Garrison Weapons
Proton-Torpedo Launchers Weapons
Quad Lasers Weapons
Ship Garrison Weapons
Torpedo Launchers Weapons
Tractor Beams Weapons
Turbolaser Battery Weapons
Turbolasers Weapons
Vehicle Garrison Weapons

2.1.3/ Hull Subsystem

Specialization Name Subsystem
Armour Hull
Docking Bay Hull
Electrical Shielding Hull
Hangar Bay Hull
Hull Hull
Infantry Bay Hull
Medical Room Hull

2.1.4/ Electronics Subsystem

Specialization Name Subsystem
Life Support Electronics
Power Generation Electronics
Sensors Electronics
Shield Generator Electronics
Stealth Electronics
Component stats (including weapons and material requirements) are generated via hidden equations based off the components installed on the chassis. Components have a stat value related to their specialization. All components within a specialization must be identical.
The T-65 X-wing Starfighter cannot have a hyper 7 component and a hyper 2 component installed simultaneously
Depending on the component's specialization, an entity's stat may not be able to exceed the installed component's stat value.
If the T-65 X-wing Starfighter has a hyper 6 component installed, the best possible hyper speed is 6, regardless how many hyperdrive components are added.

A T-65 X-wing Starfighter with 5 sensor components will have better sensors than one with 2 sensor components.
Some components interact with other components and can result in the entity's calculated stat value being worse than the component's stat value.
  • The T-65 X-wing Starfighter has 1 hyper 7 component and 40 hull components.
  • The weight of the 40 hull components results in the ship's calculated hyper value to be hyper 2.
  • If the 40 hull components were reduced to 5 hull components via entity modification, the calculated hyper value might be 7.
  • If, via entity modification, the ship got 100 hyper 7 components and 5 hull components, the calculated hyper value would still be 7.
By the release of entity modification, factions will be given datacards for the components used by the entities they can build/produce. New components will likely be able to be acquired when reverse-engineering and innovation are released. There is no limit to the number of components of the same specialization a faction can own. Entities do not all use the same components and as a result the starting components between factions may differ.
The RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor has a faster hyperdrive component than the Y-TIE Ugly. As a result, the owner of the RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor datacard would start with a different hyperdrive component than the owner of the Y-TIE Ugly DC.