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Guardian-class Medium Cruiser (Frigates)
The Guardian-class Medium Cruiser is a capital ship which is a staple of many pirate, mercenary and patrol fleets. Thanks to its vast armament and docking bay, the ship can be used for anything from a picket, to a decoy, to its original purpose as a patrol craft. The Guardian became widely known for its use by customs agencies and planetary governments to search suspicious crafts. It has since been improved drastically and undergone multiple upgrades. The usage has now changed to being more of a combat ship designated for battle assignments rather than defense, protection and security. The Guardian is a well rounded capital ship boasting decent speed, maneuverability and hyperspeed as well as hull, shield and ionic capacity and it now serves multiple privateers who have intentions of building their own fleet.
Raw Materials
  • Quantum: 747
  • Meleenium: 7,821
  • Ardanium: 592
  • Rudic: 531
  • Rockivory: 12
  • Tibannagas: 421
  • Varmigio: 2,815
  • Lommite: 616
  • Durelium: 938
  • Rare
  • Hyperspeed: 3
  • Sublight Speed: 20 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 200 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 3
  • Weight: 150,000 T
  • Volume: 3,000,000 m³
  • Length: 380 m
  • Party Slot: 12.00
Cargo Capacity
  • Weight Cap: 800 T
  • Volume Cap: 15,000 m³
  • Max Passengers: 800
Combat Role
  • Assault
  • Turbolasers: 20
  • Ion Batteries: 8
  • Tractor Beams: 4
  • Proton Torpedo Launchers: 4
  • Hull: 2,600
  • Deflectors: 2,000
  • Ionic Capacity: 1,250
  • Armour: 0
  • Sensors: 8
  • ECM: 0
  • Raw Value: 3,772,192 CR
  • Recommended Workers: 76
  • Recycling XP: 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 200
Infantry Garrison
  • Maximum Garrison Size: 24
  • Maximum Active Squads: 2
  • Loiter Time: 24.00H
  • Restock Time: 3.00H
Docking Bay Hangar Bay Escape Pods: 4
Related Skills
  • Capital Ship Piloting
  • Capital Ship Combat
  • Space Command

Floor: 2

Floor: 2
Room DoorDown
Room DoorDoor
Room DoorDown

Floor: 1

Floor: 1
Room Door
Room Entrance/Exit Overlay Door
Room Docking Bay Overlay Door
Room Cockpit Overlay Door
Room DoorDoorUpDoorDoorDown
Room DoorDoorDoorDoor
Room DoorDoorUpDoorDoorDown
Room Door
Room Infantry Bay Overlay Door
Room Door
Room Hangar Bay Overlay Door

Floor: Base

Floor: Base
Room DoorUp
Room DoorDoor
Room UpDoor