Smooth, melted black stone covers much of the surface of Koiogra I, the remnants of an event which forever changed this small planet. Unlike many of the other worlds in the Koiogra system, this planet displays signs that sometime in the distant past it too supported life, quite like Koiogra IV. The remains of an enormous impact crater can still be seen from orbit, the force of the collision large enough to almost crack the planet in half, with lakes of lava bubbling up between the craggy walls of the continent-sized fissure. In addition to destroying all life on Koiogra I, the impact also seems to have knocked the planet out of whatever orbit it may once have occupied and into a much more erratic elliptical one. Many astrologists have theorized that the impact likely would have sent Koiogra flying off into space if not for the dual gravitational pull of Koiogra II and III, providing some counter-balance to the destabilizing asteroid hit.