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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: Obroa-skai
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Obroa-skai is the furthest planet in the system from its sun. Though relatively small compared to its two sister planets, it features a variety of climates and habitats to suit many unique life forms. Due to its distance from the sun, it has maintained its glaciers at the poles even during the peak heat position of the planet's thermal cycle. The persistent icy conditions at the poles combined with the mild climate towards the equator have made Obroa-skai a popular vacation destination for those who seek to hunt Wampas one day and relax on the beach the next. With plenty of recreational potential, it is often viewed as a prime vacation destination for sentient beings around the galaxy.

Further biodiversity can be found in the dry, hot deserts just south of the equator where a large number of dewback roam. Traders have found herding and selling these creatures to be profitable and sustain large ranches with which to promote this industry. This small desert region gradually gives way to dense jungles to the east where it is said that over 40,000 different species of creatures can be found. Though the ranchers visit the jungles from time to time to increase the diversity of their livestock, the jungles of Obroa-skai are considered a hostile environment.

The moist jungles are home to many poisonous plant species, well suited to defending themselves from the abundance of reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and insects. One of the most popularly hunted creatures is the acklay. It is said that if a hunter looked hard enough, one could be found every ten square kilometers in this jungle. Statistically speaking, it is also speculated that every square meter of space in the jungle, from the ground to the upper canopy, houses at least one animal.

Dry grasslands and extensive oceans constitute the remainder of the planet’s surface. Though infrequently mentioned, some sightings of the rare aiwha have been reported at sea. Despite being native to Naboo, it is possible that early researchers introduced the creature to study its adaptability and compatibility with the indigenous species. It is also possible that it was introduced to help balance the food chain as a result of overfishing.

Kath hounds dominate the plains in small packs of five or six. Those present on Obroa-skai are of two primary varieties. The first is the smaller, two-horned, orange and white hound that can be found in multitudes across the planet. The second is one unique to the planet, colored orange and green with three horns. This variant is listed as protected by the Intergalactic Conservation Organization since it has such stiff competition for resources compared to other grassland creatures.

Due to the variety of terrain and unique jungle species available on Obroa-skai, ancient scholars were attracted to the planet to study the rich biodiversity. They constructed research centers and schools appropriate for the environmental diversity of the planet. At one time, the galaxy's leading database for the classification of species was housed on Obroa-skai leading to the nickname of the "Library World." This database expanded to include one of the largest collections of information in the galaxy including force relics and battle plans. However, a raid took place early during the Galactic Civil War that prompted a need for increased security. What remained of the database was later moved to a more secure location with closer access to research centers.

In recent times, extensive civil development has lead to the loss of open habitat and had a detrimental impact on native species, greatly reducing the variety of creatures available for research. Though Obroa-skai is now considered only an echo of its former glory, development has not destroyed all natural habitat across the surface of the planet. Plenty of room still exists to explore the world and discover creatures both known and unknown. For this reason, travel agencies constitute a large percentage of the global service industry, sending galactic beings on safaris, jungle expeditions, deep-sea dives, and polar retreats.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 9x9
  • Total: 313,304,755 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 19.7100%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile