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Last Updated: Year 25 Day 170
Planet: H'ratth
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A world of green plains, lush forests, towering rock pinnacles, and warm, verdant deserts, H'rrath is a planet vibrant with life. Quaint-looking marsupials call the planet's rainforests their home, while countless industrious insect species roam H'ratth's deserts, which are nothing short of beautiful oases stretching as far as the eye can see. The two gas giants present in the H'ratth system exert enough gravitational influence on the planet's modest hydrosphere to make its oceans tidal, while the moderate weather patterns manage to push the world's atmosphere into a delicate balance between temperate and arid.

It should come as no surprise that, on a planet teeming with life like H'ratth, the Jedi of old had established a number of temples and sanctuaries dedicated to the healing arts of the Force. Deeply immersed in the overabundance of life all around them, the Jedi masters and students of H'ratth were known to be among the best healers in the galaxy. At one point in the distant past, the planet had even been host to a Jedi Academy dedicated to healing and medicine, before the enclave had fallen silent and empty after its leader, a Devaronian Jedi Master, had fallen to the Dark Side. The legends of old suggest that the fallen Jedi in question had roamed H'ratth's deserts for years, eventually finding solace and redemption through the planet's intricate connection to the Force.

Today, the ancient sanctuaries of the Jedi lie empty and abandoned, as the songbirds of the verdant northwestern forests have nested within their halls and the big grazers of the southern plains roam over fields of numerous species of tall grass where students sparred and meditated long ago. The towering pinnacle called "the Crag," where Jedi Masters had once meditated and which overlooks the forests of the mid-eastern highlands, slowly falls to the background in the face of an ever-growing urbanscape and expanding mining operations. Travelers exploring the vibrant jungles in the planet's southwestern regions occasionally stumble across overgrown and abandoned monuments and ruins from the past, with some less savory folks even looting these hallowed sites for treasure.

It is without a doubt that, like the galaxy itself, H'ratth went through many changes throughout its long and ancient history. One constant, however, runs like a crimson thread across the fabric of the world's history: the planet's link to life and its abundance across its surface, whether in its increasing urban population centres or the untamed wildness of nature.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 10x10
  • Total: 3,930,417 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 2.7600%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile