Due to its position within the Korfo system, the planet Korfo VI is locked in an almost perpetual ice age but still manages to avoid being totally uninhabitable. As a relatively young world, it still maintains a fair degree of tectonic and volcanic activity, which is the chief reason the planet has avoided becoming completely coated in ice. The polar caps which cover much of this small world's surface are held at bay only be a large range of active volcanoes near the equatorial latitudes. Due to a quirk of geology, the more northern parts of this range produce massive amounts of ejecta and broad lava flows, which have in turn solidified over much of the land around them. The more southern portions of the range, however, produce more out-gassing than ejecta, which has resulted in a wide band of fertile grasslands springing up in their shadow. Given the age of the world, it is possible that, with enough time, much more complex life forms could evolve here.