Fildrost is the third planet from the Honoghr Sun. It is a pastel-colored type III gas giant and just as large as its twin planetary body, Andelich, in the Honoghr system. Fildrost possesses a composition of methane and ammonia, along with a rich water content that forms dense clouds in its upper layers, giving the planet a white appearance with pale shades of blue beneath. The research outpost Peledui Clouds was established by Mandalore in Year 8 CGT.
In the mythology of the Noghri people, Fildrost is the beautiful healer who found Andelich after his battle with the Stava-King and nursed him back to health. She is esteemed as the Hearth-Mother since she kept the ancient one safe while he regained his full health. Fildrost is also his wife, and the keeper of the lore of the Noghri peoples and its master storyteller. She is revered by her people as the patroness of wisdom, healing, and the home.