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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Tralus
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Along with Talus, Tralus is a member of the Corellian Twins. The Corellian Twins circle around each other in a complicated orbital pattern, though taken as a whole the Corellian Twins orbit the Corellian Sun in an orbit that is no different than a normal planet. The planetary surface of Tralus has characteristics that are very similar to that of Talus, it has a cool winter and a pleasant summer. With ample wild game and a rich variety of species of fish in the seas, the early settlers to Tralus from Corellia had no worries in this aspect of pioneer life.

Tralus is the site of an ugly chapter of racial relations in the Corellian System. About four hundred years ago, a group of Selonian school children playfully performed a prank on a small group of human counterparts from the same school. While the children did not view it as of any significance beyond a prank that they must seek revenge with another prank, the human parents thought otherwise. As the human parents marched to the Selonian part of town to demand an apology, brawls started on the open street and security forces of the Federation of the Corellian Twins had to be dispatched to restore peace. The result of this civil unrest caused the death of nine humans and two Selonians, all died from being trampled by the crowds. For the next hundred years, Selonians and human children were segregated in terms of schooling, which lasted until the Federation realized the segregation was really an overreaction. However, small groups of each race still hold prejudiced views toward each other even today.

Most of the population on Tralus can be found around the city of Tra, a medium-sized city with an active starport. The most significant export on Tralus is a processed fish paste used as an ingredient for other food items. Fish paste and other fish-related products account for 70% of the economy on Tralus, reflecting the importance of the ocean for the residents of this world. As Talus and Tralus orbit each other, the distance between these two planets is getting closer by centimeters yearly. Astronomers predict that in roughly twenty million years the two planets will be so close to each other that the tidal effects will destroy much of the surface on both planets.

  • Type: Temperate/breathable
  • Size: 15x15
  • Total: 4,955,178,350 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 25.0400%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile