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Last Updated: Year 16 Day 364
Planet: Corpal
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The planet Corpal is the smallest of the two gas giants in the Cheruba system. The planet has a shorter orbit than Belgor, but it travels side by side with Belgor when at the closest to the star. The planet travels just within the edge of a small nebula which stretches partially in to the system. As a result the planet has a light purple and red appearance due to the nebula’s dust mixing with the atmosphere of the planet.

Ships are advised not to travel too close to the planet due to its odd magnetic fields. In the past, some science vessels have been reported missing as they travelled too close to the planet and were drawn in to the atmosphere where they were crushed due to high pressure.

The gas giant is surrounded by twelve unique rings consisting of various gases, rocks, dust and ice. They are only visible on the most sophisticated sensors and hard to see with the naked eye unless rather close to the planet.

The origin of the name Corpal is not known due to records being lost during the Hapan civil war, but it is said that it was named after one of the explorers that discovered the system and the planet.

The year on Corpal is 2132 standard days long and each day is 33 hours long.

  • Type: Gas Giant
  • Size: 18x18
  • Total: 25,511,622,228 inhabitants
  • Hireable Population: 1,000
  • Civilization: 59.2100%
Combat Settings
  • Ground Combat: PvE
  • Bandits & Creatures: Hostile